首页> 外文期刊>Polnohospodarstvo >Effects of Rates and Nutrient Ratios on Production and Quality of Phytomass at Fertiliser Application to an Alluvial Meadow

Effects of Rates and Nutrient Ratios on Production and Quality of Phytomass at Fertiliser Application to an Alluvial Meadow




Effects of Rates and Nutrient Ratios on Production and Quality of Phytomass at Fertiliser Application to an Alluvial MeadowThe research objective was to assess effects of fertiliser application rates and nutrient ratios on production and quality of grassland at an alluvial meadow. The initial sward type was Festucetum pratense association. A field trial was established in the western part of "Zvolenská kotlina" basin (altitude 350 m) and consisted of ten fertiliser treatments: zero-fertilised sward (control); fertiliser P and K application; rates of 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg N/ha at two ratios of N : P : K nutrients, namely the low N : P : K ratio (1 : 0.3 : 0.8) and the high one (1 : 0.15 : 0.4), respectively. The grassland was utilised by three cuts. Dry matter (DM) production and herbage quality were determined at each of the cuts. The yield of DM was higher with the rates of 50 and 100 kg N/ha applied at the high nutrient ratio than at the low ratio. Over the research period, the highest DM production was recorded at the treatment with the low nutrient ratio and the highest N rate applied. The content of crude protein (CP) was increasing with the rising fertiliser N rate and the increase in CP was higher at the low nutrient ratio treatments. The zero-fertilised control also provided sufficient CP content. The low nutrient ratio resulted in higher P and K content than the high one. The lowest content of P and K was recorded at the control. The highest P content was found at the treatment with the fertiliser P and K applied. The highest K content was recorded at the 2nd cut, but decreased at the 3rd cut in all the treatments. The content of Ca was rising towards the 3rd cut. The content of nutrients was higher at the treatments where the high ratio was used. The content of Mg in DM was higher at the treatments with the high nutrient ratio and the high N fertiliser rates. The content of Mg was increasing in the 2nd cut at all the treatments.
机译:施肥量和养分比对冲积草甸施肥时草根产量和品质的影响研究目的是评估施肥量和养分比对冲积草甸草地产量和品质的影响。最初的草皮类型是Festucetum pratense协会。在“Zvolenskákotlina”盆地西部(海拔350 m)建立了一个田间试验,该试验由十种肥料处理组成:零施肥草皮(对照);施磷钾肥;在N:P:K养分的两个比率下,氮,磷,钾的养分比分别为50、100、150和200千克N / ha ), 分别。草原被三处砍伐所利用。在每个切块处确定干物质(DM)的产量和牧草质量。在高养分比下,施用50和100 kg N / ha的肥料时,DM的产量要高于低养分。在研究期间,在低养分比和最高施氮量的处理下,DM产量最高。随着肥料氮素含量的增加,粗蛋白含量不断增加,低养分比处理时粗蛋白含量增加幅度更大。零受精对照还提供了足够的CP含量。低养分比高磷养分。在对照处记录到最低的P和K含量。在施用P和K肥料的处理中发现最高的P含量。在所有处理中,最高钾含量在第二次切割时记录,但在第三次切割时降低。 Ca的含量向第3馏分上升。在使用高比例的处理中,养分含量较高。在高养分比和高氮肥处理下,DM中的Mg含量较高。在所有处理中,第二馏分中的镁含量均在增加。



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