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Impact of logo wear on provider perception of patient




Patient’s appearance affects provider perception of patients and subsequent provider behavior. Based on anecdotal information, it was hypothesized that wearing a health organization’s brand would result in a more positive perception of a patient by providers and subsequently a better patient experience. A study of 121 individuals with patient contact was conducted. Using photos of patients with and without a health care brand on their shirts, study subjects rated the attractiveness and willingness to engage with photos of patients. Patients with a Mayo brand and UK HealthCare brand showed some significant positive attractiveness over the same patient without the brand. Wearing a health organization brand may increase a patient’s attractiveness. However, no differences in provider behavior were noted. Unexpectedly providers as a group viewed some patients significantly less desirable than others and indicated it would affect the amount of time they would spend and information they would share with a patient. Health care organizations need to regularly reinforce to their providers and front line staff, the human tendency to provide lower quality service and of care to less attractive or desirable patients.
机译:患者的外表会影响提供者对患者的感知以及随后的提供者行为。根据轶事信息,假设戴上卫生组织的品牌可以使医疗服务提供者对患者的看法更加积极,从而获得更好的患者体验。进行了121位患者接触患者的研究。研究对象在衬衫上使用带有和不带有保健品牌的患者照片,以此来评估与患者照片互动的吸引力和意愿。具有Mayo品牌和UK HealthCare品牌的患者相对于没有该品牌的同一患者表现出明显的积极吸引力。佩戴健康组织品牌可能会增加患者的吸引力。但是,没有发现提供者行为上的差异。出乎意料的是,提供者作为一个整体来看,有些患者远没有其他患者那么可取,并指出这将影响他们花费的时间以及与患者共享的信息。卫生保健组织需要定期向其提供者和一线员工加强服务,这是人类倾向于提供质量较低的服务以及对吸引力或期望较低的患者提供护理的趋势。



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