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Study of non-syndromic thumb aplasia in six independent cases




Objectives: To report on six independent and isolated cases demonstrating thumb aplasia as an essentially limb-specific phenotype.Methods: The subjects were ascertained during 2011-2013 from six different geographic regions of Pakistan, and underwent detailed clinical and phenotypic examination.Results: The affected arms of patients had complete absence of first digital rays, medial inclinations of second and fifth fingers, narrowing of palms, missing carpals, and shortening of zeugopod. All the subjects were presented with isolated and sporadic limb deficiencies, and five had no family history of limb or any other malformation. Parental consanguinity was denied in majority of the cases. We present detailed phenotypic manifestation of thumb apalsia in these subjects.Conclusion: Thumb aplasia markedly impairs the normal function of affected hand. Surgical procedures like pollicisation of the index finger should be employed to improve the quality of life of these subjects. There is so far no specific genetic factor known for isolated thumb aplasia, compromising an accurate genetic counseling. Collection of patients with similar phenotypic presentations could be useful in further molecular genetic investigations.?doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.12669/pjms.303.4626How to cite this:Riaz HF, Lal K, Ahmad B, Shuaib M, Naqvi SF, Malik S. Study of non-syndromic thumb aplasia in six independent cases. Pak J Med Sci 2014;30(3):677-681. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.12669/pjms.303.4626This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
机译:目的:报告6例独立且孤立的病例,这些病例证明拇指发育不全是一种基本的肢体特异性表型。方法:在2011-2013年期间从巴基斯坦的六个不同地理区域确定了受试者,并对其进行了详细的临床和表型检查。受影响的患者手臂完全没有第一根数字射线,第二根和第五根手指的内侧倾斜,手掌变窄,腕骨缺失以及门足足缩短。所有受试者均出现孤立和零星的肢体缺陷,其中五人没有肢体家族史或其他畸形。在大多数情况下,父母没有血缘关系。我们在这些受试者中显示了拇指失语症的详细表型表现。结论:拇指发育不全明显损害了患手的正常功能。应该采用像食指授粉这样的手术程序来改善这些受试者的生活质量。迄今为止,尚无特定的遗传因素可导致孤立的拇指发育不全,从而影响了准确的遗传咨询。收集具有相似表型表现的患者可能有助于进一步的分子遗传学研究。doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.12669/pjms.303.4626如何引用此信息:Riaz HF,Lal K,Ahmad B,Shuaib M ,Naqvi SF,Malik S.在六例独立病例中进行非综合征性拇指发育不良的研究。 Pak J Med Sci 2014; 30(3):677-681。 doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.12669/pjms.303.4626这是根据知识共享署名许可(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)的条款分发的开放访问文章,只要适当引用了原始作品,便可以在任何介质中不受限制地使用,分发和复制。



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