首页> 外文期刊>Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy >Factors associated with HCV risk practices in methadone-maintained patients: the importance of considering the couple in prevention interventions

Factors associated with HCV risk practices in methadone-maintained patients: the importance of considering the couple in prevention interventions




Background One important public health issue associated with opioid use today is the risk of hepatitis C (HCV) infection. Although methadone maintenance may help to decrease HCV-related risk practices, HCV risk behaviors persist and are strongly associated with specific substance use patterns, mental status and social context. The ANRS-Methaville study gave us the opportunity to better disentangle the different relationships between these various factors and HCV risk practices. Methods The ANRS-Methaville multisite randomized trial was designed to assess the feasibility of initiating methadone in primary care by comparing it with methadone initiation in specialized centers. This study recruited 195 participants initiating methadone maintenance and followed up for 12?months. Longitudinal data from this trial was used to acquire a greater understanding of HCV risk practices and their pattern of correlates in this population. We selected 176 patients who had data on HCV risk practices at M0 and M12, accounting for 312 visits. HCV risk practices were defined as follows: sharing needles or syringes, sharing drug paraphernalia, getting a tattoo or having a piercing in a non-professional context, sharing toiletry items. To identify factors associated with HCV risk practices, we performed a mixed logistic regression analysis. Results HCV risk practices were reported by 19% and 15% of participants at baseline and M12, respectively. After adjustment for age, cocaine use and alcohol dependence as well as suicidal risk, living in a couple with a non-drug user and in a couple with a drug user were both independent predictors of HCV risk practices (OR[CI95%]?=?4.16 [1.42-12.12]; OR[CI95%]?=?9.85 [3.13-31.06], respectively). Conclusions Identifying individuals at risk of HCV transmission during methadone treatment such as stimulant users, alcohol dependent individuals, and those at suicidal risk is necessary to optimize response to treatment. Innovative prevention approaches tailored to couples are also urgently needed and could decrease HCV-risk in this population. The trial is registered with the French Agency of Pharmaceutical Products (ANSM) under the number 2008-A0277-48, the European Union Drug Regulating Authorities Clinical Trials. Number Eudract 2008-001338-28, the ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT00657397 and the International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number Register ISRCTN31125511.
机译:背景技术与当今使用阿片类药物相关的一个重要的公共卫生问题是丙型肝炎(HCV)感染的风险。尽管美沙酮维持治疗可能有助于减少与HCV相关的风险行为,但HCV风险行为仍然存在,并且与特定的药物使用模式,精神状态和社会环境密切相关。 ANRS-Methaville研究为我们提供了机会,以更好地弄清这些各种因素与HCV风险实践之间的不同关系。方法设计ANRS-Methaville多地点随机试验,通过将其与专门中心的美沙酮治疗进行比较,评估在基层医疗中开始美沙酮的可行性。这项研究招募了195名开始美沙酮维持治疗的参与者,并随访了12个月。来自该试验的纵向数据用于获得对该人群中HCV风险实践及其相关模式的更多理解。我们选择了176位在M0和M12时有HCV风险实践数据的患者,占312次就诊。 HCV风险实践定义如下:共享针头或注射器,共享吸毒用具,在非专业环境下纹身或穿刺,共享盥洗用品。为了确定与HCV风险实践相关的因素,我们进行了混合Logistic回归分析。结果分别有19%和15%的参与者在基线和M12时报告了HCV风险实践。在调整了年龄,可卡因使用和酒精依赖以及自杀风险之后,与非吸毒者生活在一起和与吸毒者生活在一起都是HCV风险实践的独立预测因素(OR [CI95%]?= ≤4.16[1.42-12.12]; OR [CI95%] =≤9.85[3.13-31.06]。结论确定美沙酮治疗期间有HCV传播风险的个体,例如兴奋剂使用者,酒精依赖者和有自杀风险的个体,对于优化对治疗的反应是必要的。还迫切需要针对夫妇的创新预防方法,这可能会降低该人群的HCV风险。该试验已在法国药品管理局(ANSM)注册,注册号为2008-A0277-48,即欧盟药物管制局临床试验。编号Eudract 2008-001338-28,ClinicalTrials.gov标识符:NCT00657397和国际标准随机对照试验编号寄存器ISRCTN31125511。



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