首页> 外文期刊>Studi Slavistici >Le funzioni delle citazioni bibliche nello Slovo na verbnoe voskresen’e di Kirill Turovskij

Le funzioni delle citazioni bibliche nello Slovo na verbnoe voskresen’e di Kirill Turovskij

机译:基里尔·图罗夫斯基(Kirill Turovskij)在《从动词从动词》中的圣经引文功能



In this article the author investigates how biblical quotations function within the Slovo na verbnoe voskresen’e ( Sermon for Palm Sunday ) by Kirill Turovskij (1130-1182). If compared with the sermons of bishop Luka ?idjata (? 1059), metropolitan Nikifor I (? 1121), hegumen Moisej (? 1187) and bishop Serapion Vladimirskij (? 1275), which she had analysed previously, the Slovo looks some-what different. In particular, it shares with these writings the hermeneutical and pragmatic functions of biblical quotations, but differs from them by reason of the liturgical function the same quo-tations serve. Biblical quotations in the text not only refer to the liturgical occasion of the sermon’s declamation, but also, and primarily, advance the chiefly exegetical aim pursued by the preacher. This particular aim recalls in turn the Patristic exegetical model, thus defining the specificity of the Slovo against the sermons of the authors mentioned above. In this way the Slovo seemingly offers a clue to the existence within medieval East Slavic preaching of a practical division between exegetical and instructional sermons that recalls both the Byzantine division between exegetical and festal homilies and the Western one between homily and sermon.
机译:在本文中,作者研究了基里尔·图罗夫斯基(Kirill Turovskij)(1130-1182)在《从动词周日讲道》(Slovo na verbnoe voskresen’e)中圣经引语的作用。如果与她先前分析过的主教卢卡·伊德贾塔(?1059),大都市尼基福一世(?1121),黑古门·莫伊斯(?1187)和塞拉皮翁·弗拉基米尔斯基(?1275)的布道相比较,斯洛沃看起来有些像不同。特别是,它与这些著作具有圣经引文的解释学和语用功能,但由于它们所具有的礼仪功能而与它们不同。圣经中的圣经引文不仅指布道宣誓仪式的礼仪场合,而且还主要(是)推进传教士追求的主要释经目的。这个特定的目标又使人想起爱国主义的训model模型,从而定义了奴隶制对上述作者讲道的特殊性。通过这种方式,斯洛沃人似乎为中世纪东斯拉夫传道中存在的一种解释性讲道与指导性讲道之间的实际划分提供了线索,这使人想起了解释性讲义与节日性讲习班之间的拜占庭式划分,以及召回与讲道之间的拜占庭式划分。



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