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The Effect of Diabetes Mellitus Control on Subclinical Inflammation in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus




Purposeful: To study the state of subclinical inflammation in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Moreover, to study the relation, if any, between glycemic control and inflammation. Background: Subclinical inflammation and presence of almost all indicators of systemic inflammation are found in type 2 diabetic patients. Such a systemic and subclinical inflammatory process can be characterized by elevated circulating levels of inflammatory markers. Methods: This research included 90 subjects divided into 2 groups; Group A: 70 patients with type 2 diabetes at the time of presentation and Group B: 20 Age and sex matched people as the control group. After providing written informed consent, all patients were clinically examined, had laboratory investiga t ions including; fasting and 2 hours postprandial blood sugar, HbA1c, serum ferritin., high sensitivity C-reactive protein, kidney functions tests, liver function tests, complete blood count and erythrocyte sedimentation rate and antinuclear antibody. Results: Regarding laboratory investigations there was significant difference between the two group regarding revealed that diabetic patients had higher values of; ESR, Hs-CRP and serum frritin. Correlation study revealed significant positive correlation between HbA1c and (Hs-CRP and serum frritin). Summary: Our findings suggest that there is augmented inflammation in T2DM patients manifested by elevated ESR, serum ferrtin and hs-CRP. Also, we found significant positive correlation between HbA1c and (Hs-CRP and serum ferritin). All these finding suggesting a link between inflammation and glycemic control in patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
机译:目的:研究2型糖尿病患者的亚临床炎症状态。此外,研究血糖控制与炎症之间的关系(如果有)。背景:在2型糖尿病患者中发现亚临床炎症和几乎所有全身炎症指标的存在。这种全身性和亚临床性炎症过程的特征在于炎症标志物的循环水平升高。方法:本研究共分为90组,分为2组。 A组:出现时有70名2型糖尿病患者,B组:20名年龄和性别相匹配的人作为对照组。提供书面知情同意书后,所有患者均接受了临床检查,并进行了实验室检查,包括:空腹和餐后2小时血糖,HbA1c,血清铁蛋白,高敏C反应蛋白,肾功能检查,肝功能检查,全血细胞计数和红细胞沉降率以及抗核抗体。结果:就实验室检查而言,两组之间的显着差异在于显示糖尿病患者具有较高的价值。 ESR,Hs-CRP和血清蛋白。相关性研究显示HbA1c与(Hs-CRP和血清Fritin)之间呈显着正相关。摘要:我们的发现表明,以ESR,血清铁蛋白和hs-CRP升高为特征的T2DM患者炎症加剧。此外,我们发现HbA1c与(Hs-CRP和血清铁蛋白)之间存在显着的正相关。所有这些发现表明2型糖尿病患者的炎症与血糖控制之间存在联系。



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