首页> 外文期刊>Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia >The United Kingdom National Audit Projects: a narrative review

The United Kingdom National Audit Projects: a narrative review




The Royal College of Anaesthetists’ National Audit Project (NAP) programme has been running in its current form since 2006. Since NAP3 was commissioned the NAPs have examined rare but important complications of anaesthesia and related subspecialties. The topics covered include major complications of central neuraxial block (NAP3), major complications of airway management in hospitals (NAP4) and accidental awareness during general anaesthesia (NAP5). NAP6 is currently studying severe perioperative anaphylaxis. The NAPs have shed new light on the major complications of anaesthesia, providing both quantitative (frequencies, prevalence, incidence, risk factors) and qualitative (themes, patient stories, human factors) knowledge that has led to new learning, recommendations and changes in practice. This article describes the background, nature and processes of the NAPs.(Full text available online at www.medpharm.tandfonline.com/ojaa)Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia 2016; 22(2):38–45 DOI: 10.1080/22201181.2016.1154290
机译:皇家麻醉师学院的国家审计项目(NAP)计划自2006年以来一直以目前的形式运行。自从NAP3启用以来,NAP已经检查了麻醉和相关亚专业的罕见但重要的并发症。涵盖的主题包括中央神经轴阻滞的主要并发症(NAP3),医院气道管理的主要并发症(NAP4)和全身麻醉期间的意外意识(NAP5)。 NAP6目前正在研究严重的围手术期过敏反应。国家行动方案对麻醉的主要并发症有了新的认识,提供了定量(频率,患病率,发生率,危险因素)和定性(主题,患者故事,人为因素)知识,这些知识导致了新的学习,建议和实践上的改变。本文介绍了NAP的背景,性质和过程。(全文可在线访问www.medpharm.tandfonline.com/ojaa)《2016年南非麻醉与镇痛杂志》; 22(2):38–45 DOI:10.1080 / 22201181.2016.1154290



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