首页> 外文期刊>Revista Chilena de Neuropsiquiatria >Termoterapia para la espasticidad post accidente cerebro vascular: Revisión sistem

Termoterapia para la espasticidad post accidente cerebro vascular: Revisión sistem




Objective: Determine whether there is scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of thermotherapy in the management of spasticity in adult patients post stroke. Method: A systematic review of randomized trials were performed, the databases searched were Medline, Cinahl, Central, PEDro, SPORTDiscus and Lilacs. Results: 4 studies that metour eligibility criteria and selection were selected. Conclusion: There is controversial evidence that the US produces are duction in neural electrophysiological excitability compared to US placeboand IR; moderate evidence that US not produces clinical improvement in range of motion or level of spasticity, compared to US placebo, IR, TENS and botulinum toxin.
机译:目的:确定是否有科学证据支持热疗法在中风后成年患者痉挛管理中的有效性。 方法:对随机试验进行了系统评价,所检索的数据库为Medline,Cinahl,Central,PEDro,SPORTDiscus和Lilacs。 结果:选择了4项符合资格标准和选择的研究。 结论:有争议的证据表明,与美国安慰剂和IR相比,美国生产的神经电生理兴奋性降低;适度证据表明,与美国安慰剂,IR,TENS和肉毒杆菌毒素相比,美国在运动范围或痉挛程度方面未产生临床改善。



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