首页> 外文期刊>Open Journal of Medical Psychology >Patient Education Level and Utilization of Internet Resources by Patients in Orthopedic Hip and Knee Consultations

Patient Education Level and Utilization of Internet Resources by Patients in Orthopedic Hip and Knee Consultations




Introduction: Internet has become an increasingly popular source of reference for patients to learn about their medical problems. It is easily accessible, and a large number of uncensored information is available online written from various sources and perspectives. However, the role of internet and its impact on patient’s care and understanding of the disease remains unclear. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the role and effect of internet use for patients seeking consultation for hip and knee arthritis. More specifically, the relationship between patient’s education level, internet use, motives for doing background readings, perception of internet information, and reactions to the available information will be studied. Method: Patients seeking orthopaedic consultation for knee or hip arthritis at the Toronto Western Hospital were identified and invited to fill out a questionnaire on their first visit. The questionnaire was designed to assess the patients’ pre-consultation reading habits, their use of internet, and their reaction to what they have read on the internet. The questionnaire also included questions about the respondent’s background.Results: In comparing patients holding college/university degree (CU) with patients having no college/university education (NoCU), the CU group were associated with increased internet use (CU vs. NoCU: 71.0% vs. 48.3%; p 0.01) and background reading (CU vs. NoCU: 82.2% vs. 17.8%; p 0.001) prior to consultation; fewer incidence of anxiety following internet use (CU vs. NoCU: 29.9% vs. 53.6%; p 0.05); and higher rates of decisions influenced by internet use (CU vs. NoCU: 20.8% vs. 3.6%, p 0.05). Internet users demonstrated a higher confidence in gathering and understanding medical information (Internet users vs. non-internet users: 6.59 ± 2.05 vs. 5.03 ± 2.78; p 0.001) and rated the accuracy of information on internet at 7.18 ± 2.01 (max = 10). Conclusion: Internet use can influence patient’s treatment decision, anxiety level, and understanding of their disease. Caregivers must recognize the growing trend of internet use and should counsel and educate their patients appropriately based on what they have read to help them accurately appreciate the nature of their disease. ?
机译:简介:互联网已成为患者了解其医疗问题的越来越受欢迎的参考来源。它易于访问,并且可以从各种来源和角度在线编写大量未经审查的信息。但是,互联网的作用及其对患者的护理和对疾病的理解的影响仍不清楚。这项研究的目的是评估互联网使用对寻求髋关节和膝关节炎咨询的患者的作用和效果。更具体地说,将研究患者的教育水平,互联网使用,背景阅读动机,对互联网信息的感知以及对可用信息的反应之间的关系。方法:确定在多伦多西部医院寻求骨科咨询的膝盖或髋关节炎患者,并在首次就诊时邀请他们填写调查表。该问卷旨在评估患者的咨询前阅读习惯,他们对互联网的使用以及对他们在互联网上阅读的内容的反应。结果:在比较持有大学/大学学历(CU)的患者与未接受大学/大学学历(NoCU)的患者时,CU组与互联网使用量增加相关(CU与NoCU: 71.0%vs. 48.3%; p 0.01)和咨询前的背景读数(CU vs.NoCU:82.2 %% vs. 17.8%; p 0.001);互联网使用后的焦虑症发生率更低(CU与NoCU:29.9%/ vs 53.6 %; p 0.05);以及受互联网使用影响的较高决策率(CU与NoCU:20.8%/ 3.6%,p 0.05)。互联网用户对收集和理解医疗信息表现出更高的信心(互联网用户与非互联网用户:6.59±2.05与5.03±2.78; p 0.001),并将互联网上信息的准确性评为7.18±2.01(最大值= 10) )。结论:互联网的使用会影响患者的治疗决策,焦虑程度以及对疾病的了解。护理人员必须认识到互联网使用的增长趋势,并应根据他们所阅读的内容对患者进行适当的咨询和教育,以帮助他们准确地了解疾病的性质。 ?



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