首页> 外文期刊>Open Journal of Medical Psychology >Time Estimation in Developmental Dyslexia: An Experimental Investigation

Time Estimation in Developmental Dyslexia: An Experimental Investigation




Time estimation is the ability to judge the duration or apprehend the passage of time by the order of occurrence of experience or by physiological rhythm (Fraisse, 1984). It plays quite a significant role in language disorder especially developmental dyslexia. It is characterized by deficits in phonological processing abilities. However, it is unclear what the underlying factors for poor phonological abilities or speech sound representations are. The deficit in phonological processes has been for the processing of paired tones or temporal sequences different when relatively short time intervals are used in individuals with dyslexia compared to typical readers. This paper presents the results of a study that was undertaken to determine the effects of method of time judgment, and paradigm on dyslexic and atypical readers. An experiment was conducted using 115 children (age: M = 12.23 years, SD = 1.30), 51 dyslexics and 64 typical readers. The data were obtained through the method of verbal estimation and reproduction. Analysis of variance was used to analyse the data. Time judgments data were analyzed using directional error. For directional error, all the main effects and few interactions were significant. Children with dyslexia showed more errors in time estimation (M = 0.59, SD = 0.52) as compared to typical readers (M = 0.83, SD = 0.74). Estimation of duration under the prospective paradigm was more accurate than under the retrospective paradigm for both dyslexics and typical readers. However, dyslexics were more error prone as compared to typical readers. Time judgment was accurate under verbal time estimation as compared to reproduction method.
机译:时间估计是根据经历的发生顺序或生理节律判断持续时间或了解时间的流逝的能力(Fraisse,1984)。它在语言障碍,尤其是发育性阅读障碍中起着相当重要的作用。它的特点是语音处理能力不足。但是,尚不清楚什么是语音能力或语音表示能力较差的潜在因素。与典型的阅读器相比,在阅读障碍患者中使用相对较短的时间间隔时,语音处理的缺陷在于处理成对的音调或不同的时间序列。本文介绍了一项研究的结果,该研究旨在确定时间判断方法以及阅读障碍和非典型读者的范式的影响。对115名儿童(年龄:M = 12.23岁,SD = 1.30),51位阅读障碍者和64位典型读者进行了实验。数据是通过口头估计和再现的方法获得的。方差分析用于分析数据。使用方向误差分析时间判断数据。对于方向误差,所有主要影响和极少的相互作用都是显着的。与典型阅读器(M = 0.83,SD = 0.74)相比,患有阅读障碍的儿童在时间估计上表现出更多的错误(M = 0.59,SD = 0.52)。对于阅读障碍者和典型读者而言,在预期范式下的持续时间估计比在追溯范式下更准确。但是,与典型的读者相比,阅读困难者更容易出错。与再现方法相比,在口头时间估计下时间判断是准确的。



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