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Association between Children’s Saving Account and Parent Rated Children’s Health: A Preliminary Study




Children’s Savings Account s (CSA s ) are interventions designed to build educational assets for school-age children. The positive effects of having a CSA has been established for mental health and developmental outcomes, yet no studies to date have examined how CSAs affect children’s physical health. This study uses data from Harold Alfond College Challenge, the oldest and one of the most well-known CSA programs in the United States, to evaluate the association between a CSA and children’s physical health status measured by parent-rated children’s health. Results indicate CSA ownership is associated with a greater chance of reporting excellent or very good health than those families who did not receive a CSA. Implications on research and CSA programs are discussed.
机译:儿童储蓄帐户(CSA)是旨在为学龄儿童建立教育资产的干预措施。建立CSA对精神健康和发育成果的积极作用已经确立,但迄今为止,尚无研究检查CSA如何影响儿童的身体健康。这项研究使用了美国历史最悠久,最著名的CSA计划之一Harold Alfond College Challenge的数据,来评估CSA与以父母评价的孩子的健康状况衡量的孩子的身体健康状况之间的关联。结果表明,与那些没有接受过CSA的家庭相比,拥有CSA拥有更大的机会报告良好或非常好的健康。讨论了对研究和CSA计划的影响。



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