首页> 外文期刊>Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical. Revista >Hepatitis C virus infection in the Amazon brazilian region

Hepatitis C virus infection in the Amazon brazilian region




The article evaluates available scientific information concerning the prevalence and clinical characteristics of hepatitis C virus infection in the Brazilian Amazon, a know endemic area for hepatitis A, B and D viruses infection. All the information was obtained through extensive analysis of original and review articles and abstracts published in distinguished journals or in scientific meetings. In the Amazon Region, HCV infection prevalence rate in the general population varies from 1.1 to 2.4%. Among blood donators the prevalence rate varies from 0.8 to 5.9%. Pará (Eastern Amazon) and Acre (Western Amazon) State present the highest rates, 2% and 5.9%, respectively. In respect to the HCV infection prevalence rate in the risk groups, one observates high prevalence In the Brazilian Amazon, infection by HCV seems to cope in the same way of infection in other parts of the world among the hemodialized (48.1 - 51.9%), health professionals (3.2%), HCV carriers contactants (10%) and lichen plannus patients (7.5%). There is a significant predominance of genotype 1, being sub-type 1b the most frequent. The HCV infection is similar in men and women and most of the infected are above 39 years of age. The major route of infection is parenteral and the major risk factors are blood transfusion and surgical procedures. HCV is rarely responsable for acute severe hepatitis in this region. On the other hand, of all chronic hepatitis, 22.6% are attributed to HCV in the Western Amazon and 25% in the Eastern Amazon. In the Brazilian Amazon, infection by HCV seems to cope in the same way of infection in other parts of the world.



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