
Entomological survey (1975-1983)




After the systematization and re-dimension of the vectorial control in all the Country by 1975, it was considered necessary to have an up-to-date information on the distribution of vectors in Brazil, and differentiate precisely the role of each of the different species on the intra-domiciliary transmission of Chagas disease. For this purpose, sampling regional surveys for regions with non reliable information were performed, as well as, a house by house search for vectors on those areas considered at risk. For this last, 1,942 municipalities from 19 states were searched, as by the political division of the country by 1980, that was taken as a reference in this paper. These activities, that were implemented as part of the routine for intervention, were completed by 1983. Immediately after, this work was also extended for other areas considered targets for infected bugs. Results obtained, allowed to map the endemic area and the area under risk of vectorial transmission all over the country. Even more, with the results obtained it was possible to recognize those five species proved as vectors of the infection, among thirty already identified. These species, in order of importance, were: Triatoma infestans, Panstrongylus megistus, T. brasiliensis, T pseudomaculata and T. sordida. It was possible also to verify the increase in the dispersion of T. infestans, an aloctonous vector captured now in states of the North-east region, where it was not recognized previously. In relation with native species, a clear division of territories among them was found. Furthermore, P. megistus was found with a difuse distribution, but T. brasiliensis and T. pseudomaculata were restricted to the semi-arid Noth-east. The most often captured bug was T. sordida, (mostly around houses) limited to the cerrado area, which is its origin.
机译:在1975年对整个国家的媒介控制进行系统化和重新划分之后,有必要掌握有关巴西媒介分布的最新信息,并准确区分每种不同物种的作用恰加斯病的家中传播。为此,对信息不可靠的地区进行了区域调查的抽样,并逐户搜索了那些被认为处于危险区域的媒介。最后,根据该国的政治划分,对19个州的1,942个直辖市进行了搜索,作为本文的参考。这些作为干预常规的一部分而实施的活动于1983年完成。此后不久,这项工作也扩展到了其他被认为是受感染bug的目标的领域。获得的结果可以绘制全国的流行地区和有矢量传播危险的地区。甚至,通过获得的结果,有可能在已经确定的三十种中识别出证明为感染媒介的这五种。这些物种按重要性顺序依次为:感染的三角藻,大圆盘虫,巴西T. brasiliensis,T。pseudomaculata和T. sordida。也有可能验证无花粉虱的扩散增加,这是东北地区各州目前捕获的一种原虫载体,以前未被发现。关于本地物种,发现它们之间的领土明确划分。此外,发现了P. megistus具有弥散分布,但巴西T. brasiliensis和T. pseudomaculata仅限于半干旱的Noth-east。捕获最多的虫子是T. sordida(大多数在房屋周围),只限于塞拉多地区,这是它的起源。



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