首页> 外文会议>Conference of the Hawaiian Entomological Society >Pacific Entomology Conference Wednesday, February 16, 2005 rentennial Meeting of the Hawaiian Entomological Society President's Address: The Next 100 Years of the Hawaiian Entomological Society

Pacific Entomology Conference Wednesday, February 16, 2005 rentennial Meeting of the Hawaiian Entomological Society President's Address: The Next 100 Years of the Hawaiian Entomological Society




This year marks the 100-year anniversary of the continuous, active existence of the Ha-iian Entomological Society! The Hawaiian Entomological Society (HES) was founded January 26,1905, with 14 original members and two honorary members. The Society ascreated to promote the study of entomology, to encourage friendly relations among those interested in this science, and to publish the Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society ("Proceedings") (Saul 1985, Kirkaldy and Swezey 1906). The first issue of the Proceedings was published in 1906 (Evenhuis 1995); this journal continues to serve the entomological community of Hawaii as a venue for sharing research discoveries and recording new and interesting insects. From the inception of the Society through 199; Society meetings were held each month, except for the month of the Annual Dinner Meeting, during which new officers were presented and the President of the Society addressed flie'membership (Saul 1985). Meetings were centered on two main activities: a research presentation by an invited speaker, and the "Notes and Exhibitions" portion of the program, a time when members could display and tell about interesting insects they had collected. These observations, which were sometimes personal and amusing, were published in the Proceedings through 1992. They comprise an invaluable history of the first occurrence of exotic species in Hawaii, and a folksy glimpse of life as an entomologist during the time when many professionals in our discipline spent considerable amounts of time in the field, observing insects and noting their population fluctuations, host plants and behavior.
机译:今年标志着哈西昆虫学会的连续,积极存在的100周年!夏威夷昆虫学会(HES)于1905年1月26日成立,14名原始成员和两个荣誉成员。该社会作为促进昆虫学的研究,鼓励对本科有兴趣的友好关系,并发布夏威夷昆虫学会(“诉讼”)(1985年)的诉讼程序(Saul 1985,Kirkaldy和Swezey 1906)。该诉讼程序的第一个问题于1906年出版(Evenhuis 1995);该期刊继续为夏威夷的昆虫学群落提供服务,作为分享研究发现和记录新的和有趣的昆虫的场所。从1999年开始社会;社会会议每月举行,除了每年晚宴会议的月份,在此期间提出了新的官员,并涉及该社会主席涉及Flie'Membership(Saul 1985)。会议以两个主要活动为中心:由邀请的演讲者的研究介绍,以及该计划的“笔记和展览”部分,成员可以展示和讲述他们收集的有趣昆虫的时间。这些观察员有时是个人和有趣的,在1992年出版。他们包括夏威夷的第一次发生异国情调物种的宝贵历史,以及在我们的许多专业人士的时候作为昆虫学家的斗士瞥见。纪律在现场花了大量时间,观察昆虫,并注意到他们的人口波动,宿主植物和行为。



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