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Standards for the measurement of birth weight, length and head circumference at term in neonates of European, Chinese and South Asian ancestry




BackgroundFetal growth restriction is associated with metabolic derangements in the newborn, impaired functioning in childhood and chronic diseases in adulthood. Differences between ethnic groups with respect to fetal growth may result in the misclassification of constitutionally small or large babies as having abnormal growth for their gestational age. We have developed intrauterine growth charts based on precise measurements of newborns whose parents were both of European, Chinese or South Asian ethnicity.MethodsWeight, length and head circumference were measured in 2695 infants born to healthy non-smoking mothers in British Columbia at 37–41 completed weeks of gestation. Gestational age was confirmed by ultrasound before 20 weeks of gestation. Weight was measured by digital scale, length by stadiometer and head circumference by firm plastic tape measures. Means and 95% confidence intervals were compared among newborns grouped by ethnicity and sex. Smoothed graphs were constructed for visual interpretation.ResultsAt 40 weeks, infants of European descent (“European” infants) weighed 225.5 g more on average than infants of Chinese descent (“Chinese” infants) (p < 0.001) and 254.6 g more than infants of South Asian descent (“South Asian” infants) (p < 0.001). The mean difference in birth weight between Chinese and South Asian infants (19.1 g) was not statistically significant. The mean length of European infants at 40 weeks of gestation was 0.89 cm greater than that of Chinese infants (p < 0.001). Differences in mean length between European and South Asian babies or between Chinese and South Asian babies was not statistically significant. The mean head circumferance of European babies was 0.50 cm larger than that of Chinese babies at 40 weeks (p < 0.001) but did not differ significantly from that of South Asian babies. South Asian and Chinese babies had similar mean head circumferences at 40 weeks. When differences in mean birth weight, length and head circumference were examined within boys and girls, the observed differences according to ethnicity remained statistically significant.ConclusionImportant differences in weight, length and head circumferences are reported among babies according to ethnicity. The use of sex- and ethnicity-specific growth charts may prevent the misclassification of newborns as small or large for gestational age.
机译:背景胎儿生长受限与新生儿代谢紊乱,儿童功能障碍和成年后慢性疾病有关。族裔之间在胎儿生长方面的差异可能会导致体格大小小的婴儿在其胎龄方面出现异常增长而被错误分类。我们根据精确测量父母为欧洲,华裔或南亚族裔的新生儿,制定了子宫内生长图。方法对不列颠哥伦比亚省37岁至41岁健康无烟母亲的2695名婴儿进行了体重,身长和头围测量。完成妊娠数周。妊娠20周前通过超声确认了妊娠年龄。用数字秤测量体重,用测距计测量长度,用牢固的塑料卷尺测量头围。比较了按种族和性别分组的新生儿的均值和95%置信区间。结果在40周时,欧洲血统婴儿(“欧洲”婴儿)的体重平均比中国血统婴儿(“中国”婴儿)重225.5 g(p <0.001),比婴儿高254.6 g。南亚血统(“南亚”婴儿)的分布(p <0.001)。中国和南亚婴儿(19.1 g)的出生体重平均差异无统计学意义。欧洲婴儿在妊娠40周时的平均身长比中国婴儿长0.89厘米(p <0.001)。欧洲和南亚婴儿之间或中国和南亚婴儿之间的平均长度差异无统计学意义。在40周时,欧洲婴儿的平均头围比中国婴儿大0.50 cm(p <0.001),但与南亚婴儿没有明显差异。南亚和中国婴儿在40周时的平均头围相似。当检查男孩和女孩的平均出生体重,身长和头围时,观察到的根据种族的差异仍具有统计学意义。结论结论根据种族,婴儿的体重,身长和头围有重要差异。使用特定于性别和种族的生长图可以防止针对胎龄大小的新生儿分类错误。



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