首页> 外文期刊>Scientific Research and Essays >Land use land cover change detection of Patani micro-watershed of Madhya Pradesh using remote sensing data

Land use land cover change detection of Patani micro-watershed of Madhya Pradesh using remote sensing data




This study investigates Patani micro-watershed situated in Majhagawan block of Satna District (M.P.). The watershed characterization was carried out using RS and GIS techniques. The major aim of this study is to prepare land use land cover and their change detections. In this study IRS-P6 Sensor, LISS-III satellite images of the dates 19th October, 2008 and 5th January, 2008 were used to detect the seasonal (Kharif and Rabi) changes in land use land cover of the Patani Micro-watershed. First the images were geo-referenced and land use land cover maps were prepared by image processing techniques. To differentiate the changes in land covers, and vigour of the vegetation, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was used as an important indicator, NDVI maps were generated for both images of the dates 19th October, 2008 (Rabi) and 5th January, 2008 (Kharif), values of NDVI in the watershed varies from -0.42 to 0.15 for 19th October, 2008 and 0.99 to 0.24 for 5th January, 2008 respectively. The land use land cover classes identified in the watershed were forest, wasteland, agricultural land, open (Currently fallow), and water body. Maximum area (69%) of the watershed was under forest, 2% under wasteland, most of which was at hill top; there were no seasonal changes exhibited in forest and wasteland. Changes were detected in water body, agricultural and open land. Agricultural land was decreased by 2.87% from Kharif to Rabi season and open land was increased by 3.28% respectively. Most of the agricultural land is under rainfed and land with higher slopes and poor soil depth is kept fallow during the Rabi season. Reduction was also observed in the water body by 0.41% in Rabi season; this is due to use of water from water harvesting ponds for irrigation and losses as evaporation and seepage.
机译:这项研究调查了位于Satna区(M.P.)Majhagawan街区的Patani微流域。使用RS和GIS技术对流域进行了表征。这项研究的主要目的是准备土地利用土地覆盖及其变化检测。在本研究中,使用IRS-P6传感器,日期为2008年10月19日和2008年1月5日的LISS-III卫星图像来检测Patani微流域的土地利用的季节变化(Kharif和Rabi)。首先,对图像进行地理参考,并通过图像处理技术准备土地利用土地覆盖图。为了区分土地覆盖的变化和植被的活力,使用归一化植被指数(NDVI)作为重要指标,针对日期为2008年10月19日(拉比)和2008年1月5日的两个图像均生成了NDVI图。 (Kharif),该流域的NDVI值在2008年10月19日从-0.42到0.15,在2008年1月5日从0.99到0.24。在该流域中确定的土地利用土地覆盖类别为森林,荒地,农业用地,空地(目前为休耕地)和水体。分水岭的最大面积(69%)在森林之下,荒地在2%下,大部分在山顶上;森林和荒地没有季节性变化。在水体,农业和开放土地上发现了变化。从Kharif到Rabi季节,农业用地减少了2.87%,开放土地分别增加了3.28%。在拉比季节,大多数农业用地都处于雨育状态,坡度较高和土壤深度较差的土地仍处于休耕状态。拉比季节的水体也减少了0.41%。这是由于将集水池中的水用于灌溉,以及蒸发和渗漏造成的损失。



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