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Idiopathic (primary) achalasia




Idiopathic achalasia is a primary esophageal motor disorder characterized by esophageal aperistalsis and abnormal lower esophageal sphincter (LES) relaxation in response to deglutition. It is a rare disease with an annual incidence of approximately 1/100,000 and a prevalence rate of 1/10,000. The disease can occur at any age, with a similar rate in men and women, but is usually diagnosed between 25 and 60 years. It is characterized predominantly by dysphagia to solids and liquids, bland regurgitation, and chest pain. Weight loss (usually between 5 to 10 kg) is present in most but not in all patients. Heartburn occurs in 27%–42% of achalasia patients. Etiology is unknown. Some familial cases have been reported, but the rarity of familial occurrence does not support the hypothesis that genetic inheritance is a significant etiologic factor. Association of achalasia with viral infections and auto-antibodies against myenteric plexus has been reported, but the causal relationship remains unclear. The diagnosis is based on history of the disease, radiography (barium esophagogram), and esophageal motility testing (esophageal manometry). Endoscopic examination is important to rule out malignancy as the cause of achalasia. Treatment is strictly palliative. Current medical and surgical therapeutic options (pneumatic dilation, surgical myotomy, and pharmacologic agents) aimed at reducing the LES pressure and facilitating esophageal emptying by gravity and hydrostatic pressure of retained food and liquids. Although it cannot be permanently cured, excellent palliation is available in over 90% of patients.
机译:特发性ach门失弛缓症是一种原发性食管运动障碍,其特征是食管无根尖菌病和对下垂反应引起的异常食管下括约肌(LES)松弛异常。它是一种罕见的疾病,年发病率约为1 / 100,000,流行率为1 / 10,000。该病可在任何年龄发生,男女发病率相似,但通常被诊断为25至60岁。它的主要特征是吞咽困难,包括固体和液体,乏味的反流和胸痛。体重减轻(通常在5至10公斤之间)存在于大多数患者中,但并非所有患者中都有。胃灼热发生在27%–42%的门失弛缓患者中。病因不明。已经报道了一些家族病例,但是家族发生的罕见性不支持遗传遗传是重要的病因的假设。失弛缓症与病毒感染和针对肌间神经丛的自身抗体的关系已有报道,但因果关系尚不清楚。诊断基于疾病的病史,放射线照相(钡食管造影)和食管运动性检查(食管测压)。内镜检查对于排除恶性肿瘤是门失弛缓的重要原因。严格治标不治本。当前的医学和外科治疗选择(气动扩张,肌切开术和药物治疗剂)旨在通过重力和滞留食物和液体的静水压力来降低LES压力并促进食道排空。尽管无法永久治愈,但超过90%的患者可获得出色的缓解效果。



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