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Color Doppler Ultrasonography and Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Enterography in Pediatric Ibd: Comparison with Histology in the Evaluation of Disease Severity




Objectives: The purpose of this study was to retrospectively compare color Doppler Ultrasonography (CD-US) and diffusion weighted Magnetic Resonance Enterography (DWI-MRE) in the evaluation of disease severity of pediatric inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Materials and methods: During the period between February 2010 and November 2012, 36 patients affected by IBD, aged between 7.8 and 18.5 years (mean 11.9 years) underwent, in the same week, CD-US, DWI-MRE [completed by apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) calculation] and ileocolonoscopy with intestinal biopsies. Overall, 53 bowel segments (27 ileal, 26 colonic) were examined. At CD-US evaluation, a wall thickness > 3 mm in the small bowel and >2 mm in the large bowel, associated with an increased intramural vascularity, were considered abnormal. ADC values were significant when lower than 2 × 10 ~( ﹣3 ) mm ~( 2 ) /sec. Histopathological grading of inflammation distinguished between active (mild, moderate and severe) and inactive disease. For each segment, CD-US findings and ADC values were compared with histology. Results: CD-US correctly graded 46/53 cases (86.8%) as compared with histology. Statistical analysis demonstrated a negative correlation between ADC and histology, with the results corresponding in 43/53 cases (81.1%). Conclusions: Our study shows that both CD-US and DWI-MRE are non-invasive, useful diagnostic tools for the grading of IBD activity in children.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是回顾性比较彩色多普勒超声检查(CD-US)和弥散加权磁共振肠造影(DWI-MRE)在评估小儿炎症性肠病(IBD)疾病严重程度方面的作用。材料和方法:在2010年2月至2012年11月期间,对36例IBD患儿进行了研究,年龄在7.8至18.5岁之间(平均11.9岁),在同一周进行了CD-US,DWI-MRE [通过明显扩散完成系数(ADC)计算]和肠结肠镜检查与肠活检。总体而言,检查了53个肠段(27个回肠,26个结肠)。在CD-US评估中,小肠壁厚> 3 mm,大肠壁> 2 mm与壁内血管增加有关,被认为是异常的。当低于2×10〜(﹣3)mm〜(2)/ sec时,ADC值显着。炎症的组织病理学分级区分活动性(轻度,中度和重度)和非活动性疾病。对于每个片段,将CD-US的发现和ADC值与组织学进行比较。结果:与组织学相比,CD-US对46/53例病例正确分级(86.8%)。统计分析表明ADC与组织学之间呈负相关,结果对应于43/53例(81.1%)。结论:我们的研究表明,CD-US和DWI-MRE都是非侵入性的,有用的诊断工具,可对儿童的IBD活性进行分级。



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