首页> 外文期刊>Open Journal of Soil Science >Switchgrass Management Practice Effects on Near-Surface Soil Properties in West-Central Arkansas

Switchgrass Management Practice Effects on Near-Surface Soil Properties in West-Central Arkansas




Agronomic management practices that maximize monoculture switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) yield are generally well understood; however, little is known about corresponding effects of differing switchgrass management practices on near-surface soil properties and processes. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effects of cultivar (“Alamo” and “Cave-in-Rock”), harvest frequency (1- and 2-cuts per year), fertilizer source (poultry litter and commercial fertilizer), and irrigation management (irrigated and non-irrigated) on near-surface soil properties and surface infiltration in a Leadvale silt loam (fine-silty, siliceous, semiactive, thermic, Typic Fragiudult) after four years (2008 through 2011) of consistent management in west-central Arkansas. Irrigating switchgrass increased (P 0.05) and averaged 0.79 mm?min?1. Results from this study indicate that management decisions to maximize switchgrass biomass production affect soil properties over relatively short periods of time, and further research is needed to develop local best management practices to maximize yield while maintaining or improving soil quality.
机译:人们普遍了解最大限度地提高单一栽培柳枝((Panicum virgatum L.)产量的农艺管理方法。然而,对于不同的柳枝management管理实践对近地表土壤特性和过程的相应影响知之甚少。该研究的目的是评估栽培品种(“阿拉莫”和“洞壁”),收获频率(每年1次和2次切割),肥料来源(家禽垫料和商业肥料)的效果,以及在西部(四年至2008年至2011年)进行一致管理之后,对Leadvale淤泥质壤土(细粉质,硅质,半活性,热质,典型Pypic Fragiudult)的近地表土壤特性和表层入渗进行灌溉管理(灌溉和非灌溉)中阿肯色州。柳枝switch灌溉增加(P 0.05),平均为0.79 mm?min?1。这项研究的结果表明,最大化柳枝biomass生物量生产的管理决策会在相对较短的时间内影响土壤特性,需要进一步研究以开发当地最佳管理方法,以在保持或改善土壤质量的同时最大化产量。



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