首页> 外文期刊>Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Health Care >The Use of Community Based Participatory Research to Assess Perceived Health Status and Health Education Needs of Persons in Rural and Urban Haiti

The Use of Community Based Participatory Research to Assess Perceived Health Status and Health Education Needs of Persons in Rural and Urban Haiti




PURPOSE : Haitian communities have limited access to health care. The purpose of this study was to determine the perceived self-health status and health education needs of rural versus urban Haitians using a Community Based Participatory Research design. SAMPLE: Residents of two rural and one urban Haitian communities (n = 340) were surveyed to obtain demographic information, perceived health status, and priority of health education topics. METHOD: Surveys were used to collect demographic data and the personal importance of various health education topics were obtained. Native Haitians were trained to use the survey instrument and conducted the short interview with willing participants in rural and urban settings. FINDINGS : Health related status significantly varied by rural versus urban community type in that those in urban communities ( M = 2.64, SD = 1.10) viewed their health as significantly better than those in rural communities ( M = 2.26, SD = 1.14), t(324) = 2.93, p = .004. The highest rate topics for requests in health education included spiritual health ( M = 4.44, SD = 0.84). Interest was shown in learning about injury prevention, improving maternal mortality, helping children live longer, environmental issues such as water, food, and sanitation. Less interest was shown in learning about weight management and exercise. CONCLUSIONS : A health education curriculum was developed to train laity in faith based organizations to be community health promoters. This project offers sustainable interventions to empower communities to take responsibility of their own health. DOI :   http://dx.doi.org/10.14574/ojrnhc.v17i1.427
机译:目的:海地社区获得保健的机会有限。这项研究的目的是使用基于社区的参与性研究设计来确定农村和城市海地人的自我保健状况和健康教育需求。样本:对两个农村和一个城市海地社区(n = 340)的居民进行了调查,以获取人口统计信息,感知的健康状况以及健康教育主题的优先级。方法:通过调查收集人口统计数据,并获得各种健康教育主题的个人重要性。对海地原住民进行了培训,使他们能够使用调查工具,并对农村和城市地区的自愿参与者进行了简短采访。结果:与健康相关的状况因农村和城市社区类型而异,因为城市社区(M = 2.64,SD = 1.10)认为他们的健康状况明显好于农村社区(M = 2.26,SD = 1.14),t (324)= 2.93,p = .004。健康教育中请求率最高的主题包括精神健康(M = 4.44,SD = 0.84)。人们对学习预防伤害,提高产妇死亡率,帮助儿童寿命更长,水,食物和卫生等环境问题表现出兴趣。对体重管理和锻炼的兴趣减少。结论:开发了健康教育课程,以培训信仰团体中的懒惰者,成为社区健康促进者。该项目提供可持续干预措施,以使社区有能力对自己的健康负责。 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14574/ojrnhc.v17i1.427



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