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Reference serving sizes for the Brazilian population: An analysis of processed food labels




OBJECTIVE:To compare serving sizes reported on processed food labels with reference serving sizes according to nutrition labeling legislation and the "Food Guide for the Brazilian Population".METHODS:This cross-sectional study analyzed the labels of 2,072 processed foods in a supermarket of Florianópolis, Santa Caratina, Brazil. The foods were classified according to the Brazilian food labeling legislation. Central tendency and variability values were calculated for the serving sizes and energy values reported on the labels, as well as the ratio between the reported and reference energy value. The Spearman correlation test was performed between the reference serving size and the reference energy density, and also between the reference serving size and energy density of each study food.RESULTS:Nutrition labeling and the Food Guide presented reference servings with different sizes and energy values. The serving sizes reported on the labels did not follow either of the references and presented heterogeneous values, with a maximum range of 55-240 g among ready and semi-ready pre-prepared dishes. The reported energy values were between 0.1 times smaller and 2.4 times larger than the reference values. The reference serving sizes presented a highly inverse correlation with the reference energy density (Spearman coefficient= 0.9) and a very low inverse correlation with the energy density of the foods analyzed (Spearman coefficient= 0.2).CONCLUSION:This study showed the need for standardizing reference serving size information for the Brazilian population as well as reviewing nutrition labeling legislation in order to standardize the serving sizes reported on labels and to update the reference energy density used to calculate serving sizes.
机译:目的:根据营养标签法规和“巴西人口食品指南”,将加工食品标签上报告的份量与参考份量进行比较。方法:这项横断面研究分析了弗洛里亚诺波利斯一家超市中2,072种加工食品的标签,巴西圣卡拉丁纳。根据巴西食品标签法规对食品进行了分类。计算标签上报告的份量和能量值以及报告的能量值和参考能量值之间的比率,得出中心趋势和变异性值。用Spearman相关检验在参考份量和参考能量密度之间以及每种研究食品的参考份量和能量密度之间进行。结果:营养标签和食品指南提供了具有不同大小和能量值的参考份。标签上报告的食用份量均未遵循任何参考文献,且呈现出不同的值,在现成和半现成的预制菜肴中最大范围为55-240 g。报告的能量值是参考值的0.1倍至2.4倍之间。参考份量与参考能量密度呈极高反比关系(Spearman系数= 0.9),与分析食品的能量密度呈极低反相关关系(Spearman系数= 0.2)。结论:本研究表明需要标准化巴西人口的参考份量信息,并审查营养标签法规,以标准化标签上报告的份量,并更新用于计算份量的参考能量密度。



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