首页> 外文期刊>Research on Humanities and Social Sciences >Shadiya Mohamed Saleh Baqutayan Verbal ‘Intraference’ in Educated Nigerian English (ENE)

Shadiya Mohamed Saleh Baqutayan Verbal ‘Intraference’ in Educated Nigerian English (ENE)

机译:Shadia Mohamad Saleh Bakutayen用受过良好教育的尼日利亚英语(Anne)进行口头“干扰”



‘Intraference’ is used here for Selinker’s ‘the overgeneralization of target language rules’ (1984, p. 37), Richards and Sampson’s ‘internal language transfer’(1984, pp.6-13) and Labovian internal principle/factors of linguistic change/variability (1994). The purpose is to achieve economy and precision of terms, which is preferred in linguistics. Library research, questionnaires, observation and recording of live linguistic events were used to gather examples from 2004 to 2012 to substantiate the incidence of verbal intraference and establish its enabling psycho-sociolinguistic causes. Verbal intraference is the (re)deployment of affixation and conversion processes to create verbs that may not be found in SBE and standard dictionaries. It was found that educated Nigerian deploy inflectional, derivational morphemes and conversion to fabricate verbal intraference variations, which distinguish Nigerian English morphology from SBE and other international varieties of English. Keywords: Intraference, Verbal intraference, Educated Nigerian English, ESL, Psycho-sociolinguistic, Affixation.
机译:这里使用“干扰”来表示塞林克(Selinker)的“过度概括目标语言规则”(1984年,第37页),理查兹(Richards)和桑普森(Sampson)的“内部语言迁移”(1984年,第6-13页)以及拉波夫内部的语言变化原理/因素/ variability(1994)。目的是实现语言的经济性和准确性,这在语言学中是首选。图书馆研究,问卷调查,现场语言事件的观察和记录被用来收集2004年至2012年的示例,以证实言语干预的发生率并确定其可能的心理社会语言学原因。言语干预是(重新)部署词缀和转换过程以创建SBE和标准词典中找不到的动词。研究发现,受过教育的尼日利亚人会使用屈折词,派生词素和转换来制造言语干扰,这使尼日利亚英语形态与SBE和其他国际英语变种有所区别。关键字:干扰,口头干扰,受过教育的尼日利亚英语,ESL,心理社会语言学,词缀。



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