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Funding Business Education Programmes for Sustainable Development in the Niger Delta




The study investigated funding business education programmes for sustainable Development in the Niger Delta. Two research questions were posed to guide the study and one hypothesis was formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The entire population of 138 was studied by the researchers and no sample/sampling was considered necessary as the study observed a purposive design. Data for this study were collected by means of questionnaire developed by the researchers and titled “Funding of Business Education Programmes for Sustainable Development in the Niger Delta (FBEPFSDND’’. A total of 120 lecturers who returned their instrument amounting to 89 percent return rate were studied. The FBEPFSDND has two parts “A” and “B”. Part A sought information on the selected personal background of the respondents, and it contained three items. Part B sought information on the view of the lecturers regarding the topic of the study and was broken into two as each contained six question items. The questionnaire adopted a modified four point Likert scale designed as Strongly Agreed (SA = 4 points); Agreed (A = 3 points); Disagreed (DA = 2 points) and Strongly Disagreed (SDA = 1 point). Test-retest method was used to test the reliability of the items with face and content validity. Validity was done by six lecturers, other than those used for the study and a reliability co-efficient of 0.89 was obtained. Mean rating and standard deviation was used to analyse the research questions while Z-test was used to test the hypothesis. Findings revealed that business education programmes is not effectively funded within the Niger Delta Area, also the challenges in business education programmes can be minimized through specific budgetary allocation, favourable government policies with effective funding of business education programmes, effective management of available financial and material resources and experts in headship of business education programmes. Based on the findings, discussions were made and conclusions drawn, recommendations made amongst others were that Federal and State Government should adequately fund business education programmes to overcome some of its challenges, experts in business education should be used as headship of the programmes. This is because non-experts as headship of business education will not understand the actual need and challenges to the programmes, TETFUND, ETF and PTDF should be made to fund the universities appropriately which in turn will help business education programmes if adequate allocation is given to the universities, and a chatter on funding business education programmes in our institutions of learning should be the focus of business educators.
机译:该研究调查了为尼日尔三角洲可持续发展提供商业教育计划的资金。提出了两个研究问题来指导研究,并以0.05的显着性水平提出了一个假设并进行了检验。研究人员对整个138人进行了研究,并且由于该研究观察到了有目的性的设计,因此认为没有必要进行样品/抽样。本研究的数据是通过研究人员开发的调查表收集的,该调查表的标题为“尼日尔三角洲可持续发展商业教育计划资金(FBEPFSDND)”,共有120位讲师归还了仪器,返还率达89%。 FBEPFSDND由“ A”和“ B”两部分组成,A部分寻求有关受访者所选个人背景的信息,其中包含三项内容; B部分寻求有关讲师对研究主题的看法的信息。问卷分为两个问题,每个问题包含六个问题。问卷采用改良的4点Likert量表,设计为“高度同意”(SA = 4分);“同意”(A = 3分);“不赞成”(DA = 2分)和“强烈反对” (SDA = 1分)。使用重测法测试具有面部和内容有效性的项目的可靠性。除研究中所用的人员和可靠性系数外,六名讲师进行了有效性验证得到0.89。均值和标准差用于分析研究问题,而Z检验用于检验假设。调查结果表明,尼日尔三角洲地区没有有效地为商业教育计划提供资金,也可以通过特定的预算分配,有效的商业教育计划资金,有利的政府政策,有效的可用财务和物质资源管理来最大限度地减少商业教育计划中的挑战以及负责商业教育计划的专家。根据调查结果,进行了讨论并得出了结论,并提出了以下建议:联邦和州政府应充分资助商业教育计划以克服其某些挑战,应将商业教育专家用作计划的负责人。这是因为作为商业教育主管的非专家将无法理解该计划的实际需求和挑战,因此应使TETFUND,ETF和PTDF适当地为大学提供资金,如果给与适当的分配,这将有助于商业教育计划大学,以及在我们的学习机构中资助商业教育课程的闲聊应成为商业教育者的重点。



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