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The Thin Blue Line of Theodicy: Flannery O’Connor, Teilhard de Chardin, and Competitions between Good/Good and Evil/Evil

机译:神学的蓝线:弗兰纳里·奥康纳(Frannery O’Connor),泰勒哈德·德·夏丁(Teilhard de Chardin),以及善恶与善恶之间的竞争



This essay explores the concept of theodicy in Flannery O’Connor’s works of fiction. O’Connor’s fiction complicates the subjects of good and evil, moving the reader through what seem to be competitions not only between good and evil, but also between actions of good and actions of evil. Characters align themselves with one force, then another, in a constantly fluctuating system, and there is no traditional pattern of Christian warfare that we would expect orthodox Catholic writing to produce. Sometimes, evil brings about the resolution of the narratives, and sometimes actions of good fail to redeem. It is only through the theology of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin that we may have a full understanding of O’Connor’s Christian vision. For O’Connor, Teilhard’s system of a dynamic eternity, which is in the process of unification, gives a greater understanding of our human reality, as it is a world where evil is used at the service of the Divine. It serves her fictional goal as well, as it allows her to rescue violence and evil from its power for despair.
机译:本文探讨弗兰纳里·奥康纳(Flannery O’Connor)的小说作品中的神学观念。奥康纳(O’Connor)的小说使善与恶的主题复杂化,使读者在似乎不仅是善与恶之间,而且在善与恶之间相互竞争的读者。人物在不断波动的系统中与一种力量对齐,然后又与另一种力量对齐,而且我们没有传统的基督教战争模式可以期望东正教徒产生。有时,邪恶带来叙事的解决,有时,善举无法挽回。只有通过Pierre Teilhard de Chardin的神学,我们才可以完全理解O'Connor的基督教视野。对于奥康纳(O’Connor)而言,蒂埃哈德(Teilhard)的动态永恒系统正在统一中,它使我们对人类的现实有了更深入的了解,因为在这个世界上,邪恶是为神服务的。它也符合她的虚构目标,因为它可以使她从绝望的力量中拯救暴力和邪恶。



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