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The Liturgy of Life: Alexander Schmemann

机译:生命的礼仪:亚历山大·施曼(Alexander Schmemann)



The émigré Russian priest and theologian Alexander Schmemann (1921–1983) spent most of his career as a faculty member and dean of St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Seminary in Crestwood, New York, not far from New York City. For over 30 years, in lectures, teaching and numerous publications, he presented the distinctive vision of the Eastern Church, mostly unknown to Western Christians, in which the church’s liturgy was the primary source not only of its theology but of all other aspects of its life. I offer an overview of his work, with analysis and criticism and an assessment of his continuing significance.
机译:俄国移民神父和神学家亚历山大·史密曼(Alexander Schmemann,1921-1983年)的职业生涯大部分时间都在纽约克雷斯特伍德(Crestwood)的圣弗拉基米尔·东正教神学院(St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Seminary)任教务长和系主任,离纽约市不远。 30多年来,在演讲,教学和大量出版物中,他提出了东方教会的独特见解,这是西方基督徒所不了解的,在教会中,礼拜仪式不仅是其神学的主要来源,而且是其所有其他方面的主要来源。生活。我对他的工作进行了概述,并进行了分析和批评,并对他的持续意义进行了评估。



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