首页> 外文期刊>Research Journal of Fisheries and Hydrobiology >Exploring the Monolingual and Bilingual Students Performance on Zero-Place Predictors in English.

Exploring the Monolingual and Bilingual Students Performance on Zero-Place Predictors in English.




Background: Bilingualism has always been a subject for scholars since societiescontain people from different backgrounds. In Khuzestan, teachers usually deal withclasses which at least contain a few bilinguals. Since teaching in pure monolingualclasses is undoubtedly different from instructing in classes in which the students are amixture of bilinguals and monolinguals, teachers need a sufficient knowledge aboutEnglish grammar which is meaningless in Persian and Arabic that these two groupsapply in language learning. Objective: The main aim of the present study is to examinethe effect of linguality on the use of zero-place predictor. The participants of this studywere two male groups. 1- 41 bilingual (Arabic-Persian). 2- 41 monolingual students(Persian). All of them study at last grade of high school. Several testing instrumentswere utilized in the process of the development of the present research. The first onewas background questionnaire developed by the investigator. It covered issues such asthe subjects’ age, bilinguality status, their parent’s socio-educational background, andoccupation. The subjects were assured that the elicited information would be kept infull secrecy. Second one was Nelson proficiency test used to determine the student'slevel of language proficiency. And the last one was A Grammaticality Judgment Test(GJT), developed by the researcher on the basis of syntactic competence (zero placepredicator), and covered in English textbook designed for Iranian high school level.Results: The results show that there is a significant difference between the performanceof bilinguals and monolinguals regarding their performances on zero-place predicator.Conclusion: In other words, it can be stated that bilingual learners outperformed theirpeers, monolingual, in using zero-place predicator.
机译:背景:由于社会包含不同背景的人,双语论一直是学者们的话题。在胡塞斯坦,教师通常会处理至少包含一些双语者的课程。由于纯粹的单语言课堂教学与在学生将双语和单语混合在一起的课程中的教学无疑是不同的,因此教师需要足够的英语语法知识,这在波斯语和阿拉伯语中是毫无意义的,因此这两个群体都适用于语言学习。目的:本研究的主要目的是检验语言对零位预测器使用的影响。这项研究的参与者是两个男性群体。 1- 41双语(阿拉伯语-波斯语)。 2- 41名单语学生(波斯语)。他们都在高中最后一年学习。在本研究的开发过程中使用了几种测试工具。第一个是调查员开发的背景调查表。它涵盖了诸如受试者的年龄,双语身份,其父母的社会教育背景和职业等问题。向受试者保证,所获得的信息将完全保密。第二个是尼尔森能力测试,用于确定学生的语言水平。最后一个是语法研究测验(GJT),由研究人员在句法能力(零位谓词)的基础上开发,并涵盖在针对伊朗高中水平的英语教科书中。结果:结果表明,该测验存在显着意义。结论:换句话说,可以说双语学习者在使用零位谓词上的表现要优于他们的同龄人(单语)。



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