首页> 外文期刊>Research journal of environmental and earth sciences >Socio Economic Determinants of the Adoption of Integrated Natural Resource Management Technologies by Small Scale Farmers: Evidence from Western Kenya

Socio Economic Determinants of the Adoption of Integrated Natural Resource Management Technologies by Small Scale Farmers: Evidence from Western Kenya




The main aim of the study was to examine the influence of socio economic factors on the adoption of Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM) technologies that could restore soil fertility. INRM bridges the gap between high external input agriculture and extreme forms of traditional low external input agriculture. The main components of INRM in Ndhiwa division are chemical fertilizer, animal manure, green manure, stover lines and agro forestry. However the adoption of these technologies appears to be low resulting to probably the low production. It is not understood well why farmers who rely on agriculture for their livelihoods, either do not adopt or adopt the technologies and then abandon. An ex-post-facto survey design which utilized both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection was used in the study. For quantitative data collection, a sample of 220 small scale farmers selected using systematic random sampling from the small scale farmers in the Division were engaged. For qualitative data, 40 small scale farmers and 37 Key Informants selected using purposive sampling from the division were used. Results of the study indicated that households education status, gender, access to credit and membership in social groups were important variables which had positively and significantly influenced adoption of INRM technologies. The overall finding of the study underlined the high importance of institutional support in the areas of extension, strengthening social groups and improving market and credit condition to enhance adoption of INRM technologies. The study will be significant to planners, policy makers, researchers, extension and farmers to build the case for interventions on INRM within the development sector for improved and sustainable agriculture and rural development.
机译:这项研究的主要目的是研究社会经济因素对采用可以恢复土壤肥力的综合自然资源管理(INRM)技术的影响。 INRM弥合了高外部投入农业与传统形式的低外部投入农业之间的鸿沟。 Ndhiwa部门的INRM的主要成分是化肥,动物肥料,绿肥,秸秆行和农林业。但是,这些技术的采用率似乎很低,导致产量可能较低。人们还不太了解为什么依靠农业为生的农民要么不采用,要么不采用技术,然后放弃。这项研究采用了事后调查设计,该研究利用定性和定量的数据收集方法。为了进行定量数据收集,采用了从该部门小农户中进行的系统随机抽样选择的220名小农户的样本。对于定性数据,使用了来自该部门的有目的抽样选择的40名小规模农民和37名关键信息人。研究结果表明,家庭的受教育程度,性别,获得信贷的机会和社会群体的成员身份是重要的变量,这些变量对INRM技术的采用产生了积极而重大的影响。该研究的总体结果突显了机构支持在推广,加强社会群体以及改善市场和信贷条件方面的重要性,以加强对INRM技术的采用。这项研究对计划者,政策制定者,研究人员,推广人员和农民而言意义重大,为在发展部门内改善和可持续农业及农村发展的INRM干预提供依据。



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