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Making sense of the PIRLS 2006 results for South Africa

机译:了解南非的PIRLS 2006结果



Results on the PIRLS test in 2006 make it clear that South African educators need to examine the way in which they teach literacy in the Foundation phase. While the test gives a fair indication of what our children cannot do, it is less clear about what they can do. Mastery of decoding, for example, is assumed and children are tested on their ability to read lengthy texts and answer cognitively demanding questions. The test is therefore not a good indicator of whether learners can decode or not. By setting the kinds of skills demanded by PIRLS, against Freebody and Luke's roles of the reader, this article suggests that the problem with literacy learning in our schools is that too often students do not get much beyond decoding and basic comprehension. !ey are not taught to be text ‘participants',text ‘users' or text ‘analysts'. Literacy interventions in schools need to prepare students to ask and answer middle and higher order questions on texts written in their home language if they are to move from learning to read to reading to learn.
机译:2006年PIRLS考试的结果清楚表明,南非的教育者需要在基础阶段检查他们教授扫盲的方式。虽然测试可以清楚地表明我们的孩子不能做什么,但是对于他们可以做什么却还不清楚。例如,假设掌握了解码,并且对儿童进行了阅读冗长文本和回答认知要求较高的问题的能力的测试。因此,该测试不能很好地表明学习者是否可以解码。通过设置PIRLS要求的各种技能,与Freebody和Luke的读者角色相对立,本文建议我们学校的识字学习存在的问题是,学生往往没有太多的解码和基本理解能力。 !ey不被教为文本“参与者”,文本“用户”或文本“分析师”。如果要从学习到阅读再到阅读再学习,学校的扫盲干预措施需要让学生做好准备,以他们的母语书写和回答中级和高级问题。



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