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The Knight of the Burning Pestle e l’influsso del Chisciotte




The Knight of the Burning Pestle is a colourful and lively burlesque comedy by Francis Beaumont, performed at the Blackfriars Theatre in 1607. It was not a success; the play, rejected by the Jacobean audience, is now considered the most important item in the Beaumont- and-Fletcher canon. This Jacobean drama is characterized by sharp and original social satire conveyed through a multilayered message and a meta-fictional structure as the elements of this extraordinary, indeed emblematic example of early modern English theatre. There is an ongoing debate among scholars about the influence of Cervantes’ Don Quixote on Beaumont’s comedy. This article aims to show a new perspective shedding light on some so far unexplored features of the play, clearly showing Cervantes’ influence on Beaumont’s Knight either as a model or as a source of inspiration.
机译:燃烧杵骑士是弗朗西斯·博蒙特(Francis Beaumont)生动活泼的滑稽喜剧,于1607年在布莱克弗里亚尔剧院(Blackfriars Theatre)演出。该戏剧被雅各布的观众拒绝了,现在被认为是博蒙特和弗莱彻经典中最重要的作品。这部雅各布式的戏剧的特点是,通过多层信息和超构想结构传达了敏锐而原始的社会讽刺意味,这是这个非凡的,确实具有象征意义的早期现代英国戏剧的元素。关于塞万提斯的唐吉x德对博蒙特喜剧的影响,学者们之间一直在争论。本文旨在以一种新的视角来揭示剧中迄今尚未探索的某些特征,以模式或灵感来源清楚地显示出塞万提斯对博蒙特骑士的影响。



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