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Legal Language and Theatrical Presence: Transforming a Legal Inquiry into Theatre in version 1.0’s Deeply Offensive And Utterly Untrue




In late 2005, it was revealed that the Australian monopoly wheat exporter AWB Ltd had significantly breached Australian Government backed UN sanctions by paying A$290 million in bribes or ‘kickbacks’ to the Iraq Government.1 As the purpose of these sanctions was to prevent Saddam Hussein’s Government from gaining access to hard currency with which he might purchase or develop weapons, Australian media reportage regularly referred to AWB Ltd’s ‘kickback’ payments as the ‘wheat-for-weapons’ scandal. To investigate the scandal, the Australian Government established the Inquiry into Certain Australian Companies in Relation to the UN Oil-for-Food Programme (the Cole Inquiry). Presided over by Commissioner Terence Cole QC, the high-profile inquiry undertook a forensic investigation of the legally and ethically murky world of international wheat trade.
机译:2005年末,据透露,澳大利亚垄断小麦出口商AWB Ltd通过向伊拉克政府支付2.9亿澳元的贿赂或“回扣”,大大违反了澳大利亚政府支持的联合国制裁措施。1这些制裁的目的是防止萨达姆侯赛因政府获得了可能用来购买或开发武器的硬通货,澳大利亚媒体报道经常将AWB Ltd的“回扣”付款称为“武器换小麦”丑闻。为了调查该丑闻,澳大利亚政府对与联合国石油换食品计划有关的某些澳大利亚公司进行了调查(Cole调查)。由特伦斯·科尔(Terence Cole)质检专员(QC)主持的备受关注的调查对国际小麦贸易的法律和道德模糊世界进行了法医调查。



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