首页> 外文期刊>Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies >Género 3.0. Frontera y Multitud en “la Experiencia de la Vida Real”

Género 3.0. Frontera y Multitud en “la Experiencia de la Vida Real”

机译:类型3.0。 “现实生活中的体验”中的边界与人群



Combining a critic revision of trans psychiatrization with an ethnographic research conducted in Barcelona, from 2009 to 2011, with a group of transsexual individuals, this article discusses key elements in processes constitutive of gender subjectivities.I propose these processes as both; relational processes of reproduction and resistance of hegemonic gender discourses, representations, and practices and as processes of embodied-reflection from (individual) experience and its (self)representation.This paper analyzes subjectivity and corporeality dialogically—as cohesive social, cultural and historic phenomena, with the aim of shattering modern-western epistemological borders body/mind and nature/culture.This study proposes a line of flight from essentialist notions on body and identity.Proposing epistemological premises for the study of corporeality and subjectivity in general, and trans phenomena in particular, this article approaches the continuing corporeal-cultural dialogue emerging from “Real-Life experience”(WPATH, 2001, p.17), a metaphor for subject constitution and gender incarnation.



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