首页> 外文期刊>Nursing of intrgrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine(Zhong-Xiyi Jiehe Huli ) >理实一体化教学模式在《外科护理学》教学中的应用





Abstract:Objective To evaluate the theory-practice integration teaching model in clinical teaching of surgical nursing science. Methods 〓Two classes(n=100)from grade 2015 were randomly recruited as the control group, and other two classes(n=102)were recruited as the experimental group. The traditional teaching method was adopted in the control group, and the theory-practice integration teaching model was carried out in the experimental group. The outcomes of theory test and clinical practice assessment were compared between two group. A questionnaire survey on clinical teaching method was conducted to students in the experimental group. Results The scores of the theory test and clinical practice assessment in the experimental group were significantly higher than those of the control group(85.06±6.42 vs. 76.56±5.26, 88.46±6.56 vs. 81.24±5.32, P0.05). More than 90% of students in the experimental group reported that theory and practice integration teaching model improved their learning interests and skill abilities, also beneficial to promote communication of the teachers and students. Conclusion 〓Theory-practice integration teaching model can increase students’ learning interests, improve the teaching efficacy and develop students’ skill and comprehensive abilities. It is beneficial to improve talent training quality for higher vocational nursing specialty.
机译:摘要:目的评价外科护理学临床教学中的理论与实践相结合的教学模式。方法〓随机抽取2015年级两个班(n = 100)作为对照组,另两个班(n = 102)作为实验组。对照组采用传统的教学方法,实验组采用理论与实践相结合的教学模式。比较两组的理论测试结果和临床实践评估结果。对实验组学生进行了临床教学方法的问卷调查。结果实验组的理论测验和临床实践评估得分均明显高于对照组(85.06±6.42 vs. 76.56±5.26,88.46±6.56 vs. 81.24±5.32,P <0.05)。实验组90%以上的学生表示,理论与实践相结合的教学模式提高了他们的学习兴趣和技能能力,也有利于促进师生之间的交流。结论〓理论与实践相结合的教学模式可以提高学生的学习兴趣,提高教学效果,提高学生的技能和综合能力。有利于提高高职护理专业的人才培养质量。



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