首页> 外文期刊>New Zealand journal of agricultural research >Milk production and fatty acid profile of milkfat by dairy cows fed a winter oats (Avena sativa L.) pasture only or a total mixed ration

Milk production and fatty acid profile of milkfat by dairy cows fed a winter oats (Avena sativa L.) pasture only or a total mixed ration

机译:仅饲喂冬季燕麦(Avena sativa L.)牧场的奶牛或总混合日粮的牛奶产量和乳脂的脂肪酸谱



Abstract Milk production and milk fatty acid (FA) composition were determined in 12 Holstein dairy cows in mid‐lactation fed winter oats pasture only (WOP) or total mixed ration (TMR) in a single crossover design. The WOP treatment cows received a high quality winter oats (Avena sativa L.) pasture rotationally grazed, while the TMR treatment cows were fed a corn silage‐based TMR feed ad libitum once daily. Milk production tended to be lower (14.9 versus 16.3 kg day‐1; P = 0.15), and milkfat (32.2 versus 35.5 gkg‐1; P < 0.01), and total protein (35.8 versus 37.8 g kg‐1; P < 0.01) concentration were significantly lower for the WOP fed cows than for the TMR fed cows. The cows fed WOP lost live‐weight and body condition score, but the cows fed TMR gained liveweight. Cows fed WOP had a lower saturated:unsaturated FA ratio (1.85 versus 2.22; P < 0.02). The cis‐9 trans‐11 CLA content was 2.6‐fold higher (1.41 versus 0.55% of total FA; P < 0.01) for the WOP cows. These results indicated that the nutritive value o...
机译:摘要在一次杂交设计中,以纯乳喂养的冬季燕麦牧场(WOP)或总混合日粮(TMR)在12头哺乳期的荷斯坦奶牛中测定了牛奶产量和牛奶脂肪酸(FA)组成。 WOP处理的奶牛轮流放牧了高质量的冬季燕麦(Avena sativa L.)牧场,而TMR处理的奶牛每天随意饲喂玉米青贮的TMR饲料。牛奶产量倾向于较低(第1天为14.9比16.3千克; P = 0.15),乳脂(32.2比35.5 gkg-1; P <0.01)和总蛋白(35.8比37.8 g kg-1; P <0.01) )WOP饲喂的奶牛的浓度显着低于TMR饲喂的奶牛。饲喂WOP的母牛失去了体重和身体状况评分,但是饲喂TMR的母牛却增加了体重。饲喂WOP的奶牛的饱和脂肪酸:不饱和脂肪酸比率较低(1.85对2.22; P <0.02)。 WOP奶牛的顺式9反式11 CLA含量高2.6倍(1.41对总FA的0.55%; P <0.01)。这些结果表明,营养价值...



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