首页> 外文期刊>New York Journal of Mathematics >Hopf Galois Structures on Degree p2 Cyclic Extensions of Local Fields

Hopf Galois Structures on Degree p2 Cyclic Extensions of Local Fields

机译:关于局部场的p2次循环扩展的Hopf Galois结构



Let L be a Galois extension of K, finite field extensions of Qp, p odd, with Galois group cyclic of order p2. There are pdistinct K-Hopf algebras Ad, d = 0,...,p-1, which act on Land make L into a Hopf Galois extension of K. We describe theseactions. Let R be the valuation ring of K. We describe a collectionof R-Hopf orders Ev in Ad, and find criteria on Ev for Ev tobe the associated order in Ad of the valuation ring S of some L.We find criteria on an extension L/K for S to be Ev-Hopf Galoisover R for some Ev, and show that if S is Ev-Hopf Galois overR for some Ev, then the associated order Ad of S in Adis Hopf, and hence S is Ad-free, for all d. Finally weparametrize the extensions L/K whose ramification numbers are congruent to-1 mod p2 and determine the density of the parameters of those L/K for which the associated order of S in KG is Hopf.
机译:令L为K的Galois扩展,Qp的有限域扩展,p奇数,且Galois群循环为p2阶。有pdistinct K-Hopf代数Ad,d = 0,...,p-1,它们作用于Land使L成为K的Hopf Galois扩展。我们描述这些作用。设R为K的估值环。我们描述Ad中R-Hopf订单Ev的集合,并在Ev上找到标准,以使Ev成为某个L的估值环S的关联订单中的订单。 / K表示S为某个Ev的Ev-Hopf Galoisover R,并表明如果S是某个Ev的Ev-Hopf Galois overR,则在Adis Hopf中S的关联订单Ad,因此对于d。最后,我们对分支数与-1 mod p2一致的扩展L / K进行参数化,并确定与KG中的S相关顺序为Hopf的那些L / K的参数密度。



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