
Survey of Oka theory




Oka theory has its roots in the classical Oka principle in complex analysis. It has emerged as a subfield of complex geometry in its own right since the appearance of a seminal paper of M. Gromov in 1989. Following a brief review of Stein manifolds, we discuss the recently introduced category of Oka manifolds and Oka maps. We consider geometric sufficient conditions for being Oka, the most important of which is ellipticity, introduced by Gromov. We explain how Oka manifolds and maps naturally fit into an abstract homotopy-theoretic framework. We describe recent applications and some key open problems. This article is a much expanded version of the lecture given by the first-named author at the conference RAFROT 2010 in Rincón, Puerto Rico, on 22 March 2010, and of a recent survey article by the second-named author, 2010.
机译:Oka理论起源于复杂分析中的经典Oka原理。自1989年M. Gromov开创性论文以来,它就已经成为复杂几何的一个子领域。在对Stein流形进行简要回顾之后,我们讨论了最近介绍的Oka流形和Oka映射类别。我们认为,几何形状对于成为Oka来说是充分的条件,其中最重要的是椭圆率,由Gromov引入。我们将说明Oka流形和贴图如何自然地融入抽象的同伦理论框架中。我们描述了最近的应用程序和一些关键的开放问题。本文是2010年3月22日在波多黎各Rincón举行的RAFROT 2010会议上第一作者的演讲以及第二作者2010的最新调查文章的扩展版本。



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