首页> 外文期刊>New York Journal of Mathematics >Ext Classes and Embeddings for C*-Algebras of Graphs with Sinks

Ext Classes and Embeddings for C*-Algebras of Graphs with Sinks

机译:带水槽图的C *-代数的Ext类和嵌入



We consider directed graphs E obtained by adding a sink to a fixed graph G. We associate an element of Ext(C*(G)) to each such E,and show that the classes of two such graphs are equal inExt(C*(G)) if and only if the associated C*-algebraof one can be embedded as a full corner in theC*-algebra of the other in a particular way. If everyloop in G has an exit, then we are able to use thisresult to generalize some known classificationtheorems for C*-algebras of graphs with sinks.
机译:我们考虑通过在固定图G上添加一个接收器而获得的有向图E。我们将Ext(C *(G))的元素与每个这样的E相关联,并证明两个这样的图的类在ext(C *( G))当且仅当一个方的关联C *代数可以以特定方式作为一个完整的角嵌入到另一个方的C *代数中时。如果G中的每个循环都有一个出口,那么我们就可以使用此结果归纳带有汇的图的C *代数的一些已知分类定理。



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