首页> 外文期刊>North American Fungi >Recognition of the Parmelia crozalsiana group as the genus Crespoa

Recognition of the Parmelia crozalsiana group as the genus Crespoa

机译:承认帕尔梅利亚·克罗萨斯(Parmelia crozalsiana)组为Crespoa属



Recent molecular phylogenetic analyses of the lichen family Parmeliaceae have revealed that the members of the Parmelia crozalsiana group form a sister clade to one containing members of the genus Parmotrema . The four species in this group were classified first in Parmelia , then Pseudoparmelia , and later Canoparmelia . Recently, the classification of this group was resolved by placing the species in the newly-described Parmotrema subg. Crespoa . This placement was justified by an absence of characters from the fungal reproductive structures distinguishing members of the group from those classified in Parmotrema subg. Parmotrema . As this classification obfuscates a morphologically and phylogenetically discrete group of foliose macrolichens that has always been recognized as distinct from Parmotrema s. str. , we here recognize the group as the genus Crespoa . A discussion of taxonomic rank assignment based on character-types that are preconceived as diagnostic is also provided.
机译:最近对地衣科伞形科的分子系统发育分析表明,帕尔梅cr属的成员与包含细孔属的一个形成姐妹进化枝。该组中的4个物种首先被归类为Parmelia,然后是Pseudoparmelia,然后是Canoparmelia。最近,通过将物种放入新描述的Parmotrema subg中,解决了该组的分类问题。克雷斯波亚。真菌生殖结构中没有字符可区分该组成员与归类为细小孢子虫的那些,从而证明了该位置的合理性。腮腺炎。由于这种分类混淆了形态和系统发育上离散的叶糖大地衣组,该组一直被认为与Parmotrema不同。海峡,我们在这里将这一群体称为Crespoa属。还提供了基于字符类型的分类等级分配的讨论,这些字符类型被预先认为是诊断性的。



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