首页> 外文期刊>North American Fungi >First Report of Erysiphe (Uncinuliella) flexuosa in western North America

First Report of Erysiphe (Uncinuliella) flexuosa in western North America




Erysiphe flexuosa , a powdery mildew parasite of? Aesculus? species, is believed to have originated in North America where distribution records were confined to regions east of the Rocky Mountains. The fungus recently was found in eastern Washington State and northern Idaho. The fungus can be distinguished readily from other powdery mildews attacking? Aesculus? species by the presence of two distinctive kinds of chasmothecial appendages. Consistent with previous reports on similar species, observations determined that subulate appendages formed first, on dorsal sides of chasmothecia. The longer, uncinate appendages formed equatorially during later chasmothecial maturation. There are no? Aesculus? species native to northwest North America that could have hosted an undetected population of the fungus. It appears likely that? E. flexuosa? became established relatively recently in the inland Pacific Northwest, possibly being introduced on infected host material, similar to the situation in Europe where several reports documented the presence of the fungus beginning in 2000.
机译:弗氏白刺(Erysiphe flexuosa),是白粉病的寄生虫吗?七叶树?该物种被认为起源于北美,那里的分布记录仅限于落基山脉以东的地区。最近在华盛顿州东部和爱达荷州北部发现了这种真菌。可以容易地将真菌与其他白粉病区别开来吗?七叶树?物种的存在有两种截然不同的触角附属物。与先前关于相似物种的报告一致,观察结果确定,在吻皮虫的背侧首先形成了附属物。在随后的顺理成章的成熟过程中,较长,不合群的附属物在赤道形成。没有吗七叶树?原产于北美西北部的物种,可能携带未发现的真菌种群。看来有可能吗? E. flexuosa?真菌在相对较近的西北太平洋内陆已经建立,可能是在受感染宿主材料上引入的,类似于欧洲的情况,在欧洲,有报道称该真菌始于2000年。



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