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Disseminated Histoplasmosis: Case Report and Review




Histoplasmosis is a systemic fungal disease. It is also called as Darling’s disease, as it was first described by an American physician named Samuel Taylor Darling, in Panama. It is caused by the dimorphic fungus Histoplasma capsulatum. It is usually self-limiting or localized in immunocompetent individuals whereas in immunocompromised patients, it presents in disseminated forms. This infection is endemic to central and South-central United States.Histoplasmosis infection is acquired by inhalation of fungal microconidia present in the contaminated soil. Asymptomatic dissemination of infection beyond the lungs is common. Infection heals spontaneously in most of the cases and in some cases it develops into pulmonary disease similar to tuberculosis. Dissemination and systemic involvement occurs in patients suffering from debilitating diseases and immunocompromised conditions. It is relatively uncommon in India with few sporadic cases getting reported and it is endemic in eastern part of India. In non-endemic parts, disseminated histoplasmosis is rarely suspected and there have been very few case reports. Awareness is required, as its presentation is similar to tuberculosis, especially when we have patients with compromised immune status. We are reporting with consent one such rare case of disseminated histoplasmosis in a 36-year-old male farmer from South India with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and very low CD4 count of 17cells/μl with lymph node and bone marrow involvement. Awareness of this infection is essential in these cases as it is potentially lethal and adequately treated patients with antifungal agents carry better prognosis. In non-endemic areas Disseminated Histoplasmosis has to be differentiated from more common disease like tuberculosis, leishmaniasis or systemic malignancies.
机译:组织胞浆菌病是一种系统性真菌病。它也被称为达令氏病,这是由一位名叫Samuel Taylor Darling的美国医师在巴拿马首次描述的。它是由二形性真菌荚膜组织胞浆菌引起的。它通常是自限性的或位于免疫能力强的个体中,而在免疫功能低下的患者中,它以分散形式存在。这种感染是美国中部和南部中部地区特有的。通过吸入污染土壤中存在的真菌微分生孢子来获得组织胞浆菌病感染。无症状的肺部感染传播很普遍。在大多数情况下,感染会自发愈合,在某些情况下,会发展成与结核病类似的肺部疾病。患有衰弱性疾病和免疫功能低下的患者会发生传播和全身性感染。它在印度相对罕见,很少有零星病例被报道,并且在印度东部地区很流行。在非流行地区,很少有人怀疑有弥漫性组织胞浆菌病,而且几乎没有病例报告。需要提高警惕,因为其表现类似于结核病,尤其是当我们的患者的免疫状况受损时。我们同意在南印度的一名36岁男性农民中获得一种罕见的播散性组织胞浆菌病病例,患有获得性免疫缺陷综合症,CD4计数极低,为17细胞/μl,有淋巴结和骨髓受累。在这些情况下,这种感染的认识至关重要,因为它具有致命性,并且接受抗真菌药物治疗的患者预后较好。在非流行地区,必须将播散性组织胞浆菌病与更常见的疾病(如结核病,利什曼病或系统性恶性肿瘤)区分开来。



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