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Microvascular Decompression for Trigeminal Neuralgia: Our Experiences at Bir Hospital




Trigeminal neuralgia (TGN) is a very peculiar disease, mostly characterized by unilateral paroxysmal facial pain, often described by patient as ‘one of the worst pain in my life’. This condition is also known as ‘Tic Douloureus’. The annual incidence of TN is about 4.7/100000 population, male and female are equally affected. The diagnosis is usually made by history, clinical fi ndings and cranial imaging is required to rule out compressing vascular loop, organic lesions and Multiple Sclerosis (MS) at Trigeminal nerve (TN). Treatment of TGN ranged from medical to surgical intervention. Between September 2007 and April 2015, 20 patients underwent micro vascular decompression (MVD) of TN for TGN who were refractory to medical treatment at department of Neurosurgery, Bir Hospital. All decompressions were performed using operating microscope. Follow up period ranged from 22 months to 8 years. There were 9 males and 11 females and age ranged from 30-70 years. The neuralgic pain was localized on right side in 13 patients and left on 7 patients. Pain distribution was on V3 (mandibular branch) dermatome in 11, V2( Maxillary branch ) in 4, V2-3 in 2 and V1- 2-3 in 3 patients respectively. On intraoperative fi ndings TN was compressed by superior cerebellar artery ( SCA ) in 8, tumors in 4, unidentifi ed vessels in 3, veins in 2, anterior inferior cerebellar artery ( AICA ) in 1 and no cause was found in 2 patients. 7 patients suffered postoperative complications which included hyposthesia in 3, pseudomeningocele in 3 and meningitis in 1. There was no mortality in this series. 20 patients felt pain relief immediately after procedure and 1 patients came after 3 years with recurrent pain requiring second surgery. In conclusion, MVD for TGN in younger patients who are refractory to medical treatment is one of the best treatment options which is safe and long term pain relief is achieved in majority of cases. Nepal Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2017 Page:11-15.
机译:三叉神经痛(TGN)是一种非常特殊的疾病,主要特征是单侧阵发性面部疼痛,患者通常将其描述为“我一生中最严重的疼痛之一”。这种情况也称为“ Tic Douloureus”。 TN的年发病率约为4.7 / 100000人口,男性和女性均受到同等影响。诊断通常是根据病史,临床发现和颅脑影像检查来排除三叉神经(TN)的压缩血管loop,器质性病变和多发性硬化症(MS)。 TGN的治疗范围从医学干预到手术干预。在2007年9月至2015年4月之间,有20例因TGN接受TN微血管减压(MVD)的患者在比尔医院神经外科接受了药物治疗。所有减压均使用手术显微镜进行。随访期为22个月至8年。男9例,女11例,年龄30-70岁。神经痛在13例患者中位于右侧,在7例患者中位于左侧。 11例患者的V3(下颌分支)皮刀疼痛分布,4例患者的V2(上颌分支),2例患者的V2-3、3例患者的V1-2-3的疼痛分布。术中发现TN被8根小脑上动脉(SCA)压迫,肿瘤4根,未识别血管3根,静脉2根,前小脑下动脉(AICA)1根,2例未发现病因。 7例患者出现术后并发症,包括感觉不足3例,假性脑膜膨出3例和脑膜炎1例。该系列病例均无死亡。 20例患者在手术后立即感到疼痛缓解,而1例患者在3年后因复发疼痛而需要再次手术。总之,对于难于治疗的年轻患者,TMV MVD是最好的治疗选择之一,它是安全的,并且在大多数情况下可以长期缓解疼痛。尼泊尔神经科学杂志,第14,14,N​​o.2页面:11-15。



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