首页> 外文期刊>Nepal Journal of Neuroscience >Functional Outcome of Intradural Extramedullary Spinal Tumors after Surgical Resection

Functional Outcome of Intradural Extramedullary Spinal Tumors after Surgical Resection




Intradural extramedullary (IDEM) spinal tumors account about 40% of all intraspinal tumors and mainly represented by nerve sheath tumors and meningiomas. These two tumors represent about 55% of IDEM tumors and other rare tumors are dermoid, epidermoid, lipomas, metastatic tumors, paragangliomas etc. Technical advances in imaging techniques, MRI and surgical procedures have brought about excellent clinical results of IDEM tumors after surgery in last two decades. However, a small percentage of patients still present poor postoperative neurological outcome due to delayed in diagnosis and surgical intervention, severity of preoperative neurological defi cits and adverse pathology. The aim of this study is to analyze and discuss about the surgical outcome of 65 IDEM tumors operated in twelve years’ period. This is a retrospective study of 65 patients who were operated for IDEM tumors, between 1999 and 2012 in Department of Neurosurgery. One patient who had IDEM arteriovenous malformation was excluded from the study. Neurological outcome was scaled by McCormick’s grading. Follow up period ranged for 5 years to 17 years. After the clinical evaluation, all the patients suspected of having spinal tumors were subjected for MRI with Gadolinium enhancement of presumed level of spine based on neurological findings. Total excision of all IDEM tumors was performed using operating microscope. No intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring was used. There were 40 male and 25 female and age ranged from 10 to 80 years. Most common IDEM tumors were nerve sheath tumors (44), meningiomas (13), hydatid cyst (2), dermoid/epidermoid (2), arachnoid cyst (2) and n were thoracic, cervical and lumbar spines.Total tumor excision was performed in all cases. Post operative Complications rate was 12.3% (7) and common complications included were CSF Leak (5), wound infection (2), meningitis (1). There was no surgery related mortality. Postoperatively 60 patients had improved neurological status, 5 patients had stable neurology. There was no postoperative neurological deterioration. On followed up period 2 patients showed features of recurrence of tumor in 5 years’ period and underwent resurgical treatment. Those two patients with recurrent tumors were nerve sheath tumors. Majority of IDEM tumors are benign and total cure is possible in almost all cases if tumor is excised totally. Excellent neurological recovery has been observed in more than 95% of cases. Nepal Journal of Neuroscience. Vol. 13, No. 2, 2016, Page: 73-80.
机译:硬膜外髓内(IDEM)脊柱肿瘤约占所有脊柱内肿瘤的40%,主要表现为神经鞘瘤和脑膜瘤。这两个肿瘤约占IDEM肿瘤的55%,其他稀有肿瘤为皮样,表皮样,脂肪瘤,转移性肿瘤,神经节旁瘤等。成像技术,MRI和手术方法的技术进步为IDEM肿瘤的最后手术带来了出色的临床效果。二十年。然而,由于诊断和手术干预的延迟,术前神经系统缺陷的严重性和不良病理,一小部分患者仍表现出差的术后神经系统结果。这项研究的目的是分析和讨论在十二年内手术的65例IDEM肿瘤的手术结果。这是对1999年至2012年间在神经外科进行的65例IDEM肿瘤手术患者的回顾性研究。该研究排除了一名IDEM动静脉畸形的患者。神经学结果根据麦考密克的评分来衡量。随访期为5年至17年。经过临床评估后,根据神经系统检查结果,对所有疑似患有脊柱肿瘤的患者进行MRI检查,并用Ga增强估计的脊柱水平。使用手术显微镜对所有IDEM肿瘤进行全切。术中未进行神经生理监测。男40例,女25例,年龄10-80岁。 IDEM最常见的肿瘤是神经鞘瘤(44),脑膜瘤(13),hy虫囊(2),皮样/表皮样(2),蛛网膜囊肿(2),n是胸,颈椎和腰椎棘突,全部切除了肿瘤。在所有情况下。术后并发症发生率为12.3%(7),常见的并发症包括脑脊液漏(5),伤口感染(2),脑膜炎(1)。没有手术相关的死亡率。术后60例神经系统状况得到改善,5例神经系统稳定。术后无神经功能恶化。在随访期中,有2例患者在5年内表现出肿瘤复发的特征,并接受了外科手术治疗。这两名患有复发性肿瘤的患者是神经鞘瘤。大多数IDEM肿瘤是良性的,如果完全切除肿瘤,几乎在所有情况下都可以完全治愈。在超过95%的病例中观察到了出色的神经功能恢复。尼泊尔神经科学杂志。卷2016年2月13日,第73-80页。



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