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Artificial intelligence in the lab: ask not what your computer can do for you




In 1957, Herbert Simon, a pioneer of artificial intelligence, predicted that a computer would be the worldchess champion within 10 years. It took somewhatlonger, but he was eventually proven right when IBM'sDeep Blue computer beat Gary Kasparov in 1997. Thismajor breakthrough in artificial intelligence was, in away, also one of the last successes of what was knownas ‘good old-fashioned AI': the idea that to mimic andunderstand human intelligence, computers should represent knowledge as symbols and apply reasoning andrules to infer new knowledge. This notion had been criticized for some time already (Dreyfus and Dreyfus, 1992)and over the years gradually lost ground to anotherapproach, machine learning, in which statistical modelswere fitted to data to derive patterns and correlations.Widely known systems that fit this category include Watson, which successfully competed against the besthuman players in the Jeopardy! general knowledge quiz,and Google's AlphaGo, which in 2017 beat the reigningworld champion at the game of Go. In other settings aswell, machine learning progressed. In 2012, it wasdemonstrated how an extremely large neural network,AlexNet, could be trained to recognize images in 1000different categories, an atpproach that became known asdeep learning (LeCun et al., 2015). Machine learningand deep learning are now routinely used by companiessuch as Google, Facebook, Amazon and Tesla in products ranging from automated translation and homeautomation to self-driving cars.
机译:1957年,人工智能的先驱赫伯特·西蒙(Herbert Simon)预测,计算机将在10年内成为世界冠军。花费了更长的时间,但他最终在1997年被IBM的Deep Blue计算机击败Gary Kasparov时被证明是正确的。人工智能上的这一重大突破也是“好的老式AI”的最后成功之一:为了模仿和理解人类的智力,计算机应将知识表示为符号,并应用推理规则推论新知识。这种观点已经受到批评了一段时间(Dreyfus and Dreyfus,1992),并在随后的几年中逐渐被另一种方法机器学习所取代,在这种方法中,统计模型被拟合到数据中以得出模式和相关性。沃森(Watson),成功与《危险》中的最佳人类选手竞争!一般知识测验,以及Google的AlphaGo,后者在2017年的围棋比赛中击败了卫冕世界冠军。在其他设置中,机器学习也在进步。在2012年,它演示了如何训练一个巨大的神经网络AlexNet来识别1000种不同类别的图像,这是一种被称为深度学习的atp方法(LeCun et al。,2015)。如今,谷歌,Facebook,亚马逊和特斯拉等公司通常使用机器学习和深度学习来开发从自动翻译和家庭自动化到自动驾驶汽车的产品。



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