首页> 外文期刊>Korean Circulation Journal >A case of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura(TTP) presented with acute myocardial infarction(AMI)

A case of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura(TTP) presented with acute myocardial infarction(AMI)




A 77-year-old woman was admitted to this hospital for evaluation of chest pain for 3 days. On physical examination, icteric sclerae, inspiratory crackles on both lower lung field and normal heart sounds were observed. Electrocardiograms showed pathologic Q waves with ST elevations in the precordial leads(V1-V4). Chest X-rays showed mild pulmonary edema with anteroseptal wall akinesia. Cardiac enzyme studies were compatible with AMI. Hematologic investigation revealed severe thrombocytopenia and microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. Coagulation profiles were normal. Coombs test, sucrose lysis test, anti-platelet antibody and antinuclear antibody were all negative. Urinalysis showed albuminuria(+++) and microscopic hematuria. Initial therapy with aspirin, nitrate, morphine and prednisolone was started. Ten hours after admission, she developed agitation, aphagia and confusion with progression to coma. Computed tomography of the brain was normal. Five units of fresh frozen plasma were infused. After one day, platelet counts slightly increased. But cardiogenic shock ensued and she died despite cardiopulmonary resuscitation. AMI has not been reported in association with TTP. This patient had no risk factors for coronary artery disease and no previous history of angina. TTP was clinically diagnosed with confidence by excluding other known cause of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia with thrombocytopenia. Coronary angiogram and bone marrow examination could not be performed due to a rapidly fatal course. The etiology of AMI in this patient was not confirmed, but clinical evidence strongly supported etiologic association with TTP.
机译:一名77岁的妇女被送进这家医院进行3天的胸痛评估。在体格检查中,观察到黄疸性巩膜,下肺野的吸气性裂纹和正常的心音。心电图显示前胸导联(V1-V4)伴有ST抬高的病理Q波。胸部X线片显示轻度肺水肿,前壁壁运动障碍。心脏酶研究与AMI兼容。血液学检查发现严重的血小板减少症和微血管性溶血性贫血。凝血曲线正常。 Coombs试验,蔗糖裂解试验,抗血小板抗体和抗核抗体均为阴性。尿液分析显示白蛋白尿(+++)和镜下血尿。开始使用阿司匹林,硝酸盐,吗啡和泼尼松龙的初始治疗。入院十小时后,她出现躁动,失语和神志不清,发展为昏迷。脑部计算机断层扫描正常。注入了五个单位的新鲜冷冻血浆。一天后,血小板计数略有增加。但是随后发生心源性休克,尽管进行了心肺复苏,她仍然死亡。尚未报道与TTP相关的AMI。该患者无冠心病危险因素,无心绞痛病史。通过排除血小板减少症引起的微血管性溶血性贫血的其他已知原因,临床上对TTP的诊断充满信心。由于快速致命的病程,无法进行冠状动脉造影和骨髓检查。该患者的AMI病因尚未得到证实,但临床证据强烈支持与TTP的病因学关联。



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