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An Assessment Of Flood Risk Factors In Riverine Cities Of Turkey: Lessons For Resilience And Urban Planning




Significant amount of the world’s population is under a severe risk ofhydro-meteorological disasters, and this is expected to continue in anincreasing rate due to climate change as observed in the last sixty years.From 1955 to 1975, annual average of worldwide flood events were around15, while two decades later this average almost quadrupled as reaching57 events per year. It is followed by another increase in the last twentyyears and reached up to 156 events per year (CRED EM-DAT, 2016).Weather-induced natural events like typhoons, storms, cyclones, heatwaves, floods and droughts are expected to increase in occurrence and tospread out more extensively in the near future. It is mainly the coastal andriverine cities that are at most risk of weather-induced natural events. Theincreasing concentration of economic activities and human populationsin such cities is likely to intensify the economic and social impacts of suchevents in years to come (Nicholls et al., 2007). According to estimations ofJongman et al. (2012) global economic exposure to both river and coastalflooding would increase at high rates in 2050, reaching to 158 trillion USD.As the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states in its 5thAssessment Report, there has been a remarkable increase in number ofheavy precipitation and flood events worldwide during the past century(IPCC, 2014). Thus, it is of vital importance for cities to find out ways tocope with adverse impacts of climate change, including various sorts offloods. Cities, which develop and employ appropriate policy responses toaddress flood risks and introduce new and alternative ways of living withflood hazards as part of their mitigation and adaptation actions, wouldprobably become more resilient against today’s and upcoming flooddisasters.
机译:在过去的60年中,由于气候变化,世界上大量人口面临着严重的水文气象灾害风险,并且预计这种情况将以越来越高的速度持续下去.1955年至1975年,世界范围内的洪灾年均发生率约为15 ,而二十年后,这一平均值几乎翻了两番,每年达到57个事件。其次是最近二十年的增加,每年达到156个事件(CRED EM-DAT,2016),预计由天气引起的自然事件如台风,风暴,旋风,热浪,洪水和干旱会增加并在不久的将来更广泛地推广。主要是沿海无污染城市最容易受到天气诱发的自然事件的威胁。经济活动和人口在这些城市中的集中度越来越高,有可能在未来几年加剧此类事件的经济和社会影响(Nicholls等,2007)。根据Jongman等人的估计。 (2012年)全球经济对河流和沿海洪水的暴露将在2050年以高速率增加,达到158万亿美元。正如政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)在其第五次评估报告中指出的那样,重金属的数量显着增加。过去一个世纪以来全球范围内的降雨和洪水事件(IPCC,2014)。因此,寻找应对气候变化不利影响的方法,包括各种洪水,对城市至关重要。作为缓解和适应行动的一部分,城市制定并采取了适当的政策应对措施来应对洪水风险,并引入新的和替代的生活在遭受洪灾灾害的方式中,这些城市可能会变得对当今和即将发生的洪灾更具抵抗力。



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