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Clinical and Microbiological Profile of a Retrospective Cohort of Enteric Fever in 2 Spanish Tertiary Hospitals




Enteric fever in high-income countries is diagnosed mainly in patients returning from endemic countries. We assess the clinical, microbiological, and prognosis aspects of enteric fever in 2 Spanish tertiary hospitals. A retrospective observational study was conducted at Vall d’Hebron University Hospital and Ramón y Cajal University Hospital in Spain. We reviewed medical records of all patients who were diagnosed with enteric fever from January 2000 to January 2014 at these hospitals. We identified 47 patients with enteric fever episodes. According to their travel history, 35 (74.5%) patients had travelled to highly endemic countries. Imported enteric fever was acquired mainly in Asia (70.3%). Imported infections were implicated in travelers (48.6%), visiting friends and relatives (40%) and immigrants (11.4%). We found that 12 patients were diagnosed with enteric fever without a travel history (autochthonous infection). The resistance profile of the isolates showed decreased ciprofloxacin susceptibility in 66.7% of the imported group and 8.3% of the autochthonous group ( P = 0.001). Salmonella strains from patients returning from Asia had an increased risk of having decreased ciprofloxacin susceptibility (odds ratio, 52.25; 95% confidence interval: 8.6–317.7). Patients with imported enteric fever are at higher risk for having a Salmonella strain with decreased ciprofloxacin susceptibility, especially in patients returning from Asia. Initial treatment with third-generation cephalosporin or azithromycin is strongly recommended until a drug-susceptibility test is available. Prevention strategies such as pretravel counseling and immunization before travel may be beneficial.
机译:在高收入国家,肠热主要诊断为从流行国家返回的患者。我们评估了两家西班牙三级医院肠热的临床,微生物学和预后方面。在西班牙的瓦尔德希伯伦大学医院和拉蒙·卡哈尔大学医院进行了一项回顾性观察研究。我们回顾了这些医院从2000年1月至2014年1月诊断为肠热的所有患者的病历。我们确定了47例肠热发作患者。根据他们的旅行史,有35名(74.5%)患者曾去过高度流行的国家。进口肠热主要来自亚洲(70.3%)。旅客(48.6%),探亲访友(40%)和移民(11.4%)涉及进口感染。我们发现有12名患者被诊断出肠热,没有旅行史(自发性感染)。分离株的耐药性表现为环丙沙星敏感性下降,其中进口组为66.7%,而土生土霉素组为8.3%(P = 0.001)。来自亚洲返回患者的沙门氏菌菌株具有降低环丙沙星药敏性的风险增加(优势比,52.25; 95%置信区间:8.6–317.7)。输入性肠热患者沙门氏菌菌株的环丙沙星敏感性降低的风险较高,尤其是在从亚洲归来的患者中。强烈建议使用第三代头孢菌素或阿奇霉素进行初始治疗,直到可以进行药物敏感性试验为止。预防策略,例如旅行前咨询和旅行前接种疫苗可能会有所帮助。



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