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Trabectome success factors




Our objective is to investigate which factors and patient characteristics are associated with success in Trabectome surgery. A total of 658 phakic cases with at least of 12 months follow-up were included in the analysis. Baseline demographics and medical data were collected. The main outcome measure was intraocular pressure (IOP), glaucoma medication (Rx), and secondary glaucoma surgery if any. Success was defined as IOP reduction of 20% or more from preoperative IOP and IOP *) and the average number of medications was 1.8 ± 1.3 ( P *). Based on the result of multivariate cox regression model, we found that the Trabectome + Phaco (TP) and Trabectome alone (TA) group had a 94% and 79% survival rate at 12 months, respectively. TP cases had 78% lower risk of failure than TA (95% confidence interval [CI]: 54–89), diagnosis of pseudoexfoliation glaucoma had a 54% lower risk of failure than primary open angle glaucoma patients (95% CI: 1–78). Hispanics had an estimated hazard ratio that is 60% lower than Caucasians (95% CI: 18–80); 20% of TA cases and 3% of TP cases were required to undergo additional secondary surgery ( P < .01). Trabectome surgery, whether in combination with phacoemulsification cataract removal or stand alone, is associated with a significant reduction of IOP and glaucoma medication. Patients having a higher baseline IOP are expected to have a higher IOP reduction after Trabectome. Pseudoexfoliation glaucoma, combination with phacoemulsification cataract surgery and Hispanic race are factors associated with enhanced Trabectome survival.
机译:我们的目的是研究哪些因素和患者特征与Tabectome手术的成功相关。分析中包括了总共658例晶状体病例,至少随访了12个月。收集基线人口统计资料和医学数据。主要结局指标是眼压(IOP),青光眼用药(Rx)和二次青光眼手术(如果有)。成功的定义是术前眼压和眼压*降低20%或更多,平均用药次数为1.8±1.3(P * )。基于多元Cox回归模型的结果,我们发现Trabectome + Phaco(TP)和Trabectome单独(TA)组在12个月时的存活率分别为94%和79%。 TP患者的失败风险比TA低78%(95%置信区间[CI]:54–89),假性剥脱性青光眼的诊断失败风险比原发性开角型青光眼患者低(54%CI:1– 78)。西班牙裔美国人的估计危险率比白种人低60%(95%CI:18–80);需要进行额外的二次手术的TA患者中有20%,TP患者中有3%(P <.01)。无论是联合超声乳化白内障摘除术还是单独行白内障摘除术,都可以显着降低眼压和青光眼药物。预期在眼线切​​开术后,具有更高的基线眼压的患者眼压降低将更高。假性剥脱性青光眼,超声乳化白内障手术和西班牙裔种族相结合是与节肢动物生存期延长有关的因素。



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