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Infective Endocarditis at Autopsy: A Review of Pathologic Manifestations and Clinical Correlates




Abstract: The frequency of autopsies appears to be declining, and the usefulness has been challenged. We reviewed cases of autopsied active infective endocarditis (IE) during 2 periods based on the availability of high-tech 2-dimensional echocardiograms: Period 1 (P1) included 40 cases studied from 1970 to 1985, and Period 2 (P2) included 28 cases seen from 1986 to 2008—that is, before and after the introduction of echocardiograms in our institution. We conducted the study to reassess the pathology of IE and to determine how frequently diagnosis is not made during life. The age of patients increased 10 years on average between the 2 periods, and comorbidities were significantly more frequent in P2. While the frequency of rheumatic valve disease and prosthetic valve endocarditis (PVE) decreased, degenerative valve disease increased. Isolated mitral or aortic valve IE was most common. Right-sided IE was observed in patients with Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia from infected venous lines. In most cases IE involved only the cusps of cardiac valves. “Virulent” microorganisms caused ulcerations, rupture, and perforation of the cusps and necrosis of chordae tendiniae and perivalvular apparatus. In PVE the lesions were located behind the site of attachment, and vegetations were seen on the sewing ring in both metallic and biologic prostheses. Infection spread to adjacent structures and myocardium with ring abscess observed in 88% of cases. Prosthetic detachment causing valve regurgitation was associated with abscesses in 76% of cases; these patients developed persistent sepsis and severe cardiac failure. Obstruction occurred in patients with PVE of the mitral valve. Acute purulent pericarditis was observed in 22% of cases, mainly in patients with aortic valve IE and myocardial abscesses. Gross infarcts were seen in 63% of cases but were asymptomatic in most instances. The spleen, kidneys, and mesentery were the sites most frequently involved. Myocardial infarctions were found in less than 10% of cases. Abscesses were also frequently found and were a common source of persistent fever and bacteremia. Glomerulonephritis was more common in the first period. Brain pathology consisted of ischemic and hemorrhagic infarcts and abscesses. Cerebral bleeding was more frequent in patients with PVE on anticoagulant therapy. Neutrophilic meningitis was observed in S. aureus IE. Diagnosis of IE was not made during life in 14 (35%) cases during P1 and 12 (42.8%) cases in P2. Overall, diagnosis was missed until autopsy in 38.2% of cases. IE was hospital acquired in 28 instances. While a clinical diagnosis was made in all but 4 cases of early-onset PVE (23.5%), the diagnosis was not made during life in 22 of 51 patients with native-valve IE (43.1%). Of these 22 patients, IE was hospital acquired in 11 (50%). The absence of fever, cardiac murmurs, and many of the typical stigmata of endocarditis may have led to the diagnosis being overlooked clinically. Brain bleeding, cardiac failure and less frequently acute myocardial infarct were the most common causes of death. IE continues to be missed frequently until autopsy. Postmortem examination is an important tool for evaluating the quality of care, and for guiding teaching and research related to cardiovascular infections. Abbreviations: CT = computed tomography, IE = infective endocarditis, MRI = magnetic resonance imaging, P1 = Period 1, P2 = Period 2, PVE = prosthetic valve endocarditis, TTE = transthoracic echocardiogram, TEE = transesophageal echocardiogram.
机译:摘要:尸检的频率似乎正在下降,其实用性受到了挑战。我们根据高科技二维超声心动图的可用性回顾了两个时期的尸体活动性感染性心内膜炎(IE)病例:第1阶段(P1)包括1970年至1985年研究的40例,第2阶段(P2)包括28例从1986年到2008年,即在我们机构中引入超声心动图前后。我们进行了这项研究,以重新评估IE的病理状况,并确定一生中不做诊断的频率。在这两个时期之间,患者的年龄平均增加了10岁,P2合并症的发生率明显更高。尽管风湿性瓣膜疾病和人工瓣膜性心内膜炎(PVE)的频率降低,但退化性瓣膜疾病却有所增加。孤立的二尖瓣或主动脉瓣IE最常见。从感染的静脉管感染金黄色葡萄球菌菌血症的患者观察到右侧IE。在大多数情况下,IE仅涉及心脏瓣膜的尖端。 “有毒”微生物会导致溃疡的破裂,破裂和尖锐穿孔,腱腱索和牙周炎器坏死。在PVE中,病变位于附着部位的后面,在金属和生物假体的缝合环上都可见到植物。在88%的病例中,感染扩散到邻近的结构和心肌,并伴有环脓肿。造成瓣膜返流的假体脱离与脓肿相关的比例为76%。这些患者发展为持续性败血症和严重的心力衰竭。 PVE的二尖瓣患者发生阻塞。在22%的病例中观察到急性化脓性心包炎,主要发生在主动脉瓣IE和心肌脓肿的患者中。在63%的病例中发现了严重梗塞,但在大多数情况下没有症状。脾脏,肾脏和肠系膜是最常受累的部位。不到10%的病例发现了心肌梗塞。脓肿也经常发现,是持续发烧和菌血症的常见来源。肾小球肾炎在第一期更为常见。脑病理包括缺血性和出血性梗塞和脓肿。抗凝治疗的PVE患者脑出血更为频繁。在金黄色葡萄球菌IE中观察到嗜中性脑膜炎。在P1期间,有14例(35%)病例和P2例中有12例(42.8%)病例,终生未诊断IE。总体而言,在38.2%的病例中,直到尸检都错过了诊断。 IE被28例医院收购。尽管除了4例早发性PVE(23.5%)以外的所有病例均进行了临床诊断,但51例自然瓣膜IE患者中有22例终生未诊断出生命(43.1%)。在这22名患者中,有11名(50%)的IE是医院获得的。没有发烧,心脏杂音和心内膜炎的许多典型污点可能导致诊断被临床忽视。脑出血,心力衰竭和较少见的急性心肌梗塞是最常见的死亡原因。 IE仍然经常被遗漏,直到进行尸检。验尸是评估护理质量,指导与心血管感染有关的教学和研究的重要工具。缩写:CT =计算机断层扫描,IE =感染性心内膜炎,MRI =磁共振成像,P1 =周期1,P2 =周期2,PVE =人工瓣膜心内膜炎,TTE =经胸超声心动图,TEE =经食道超声心动图。



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