首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Behavioral impairment and increased predation mortality in cutthroat trout exposed to carbaryl

Behavioral impairment and increased predation mortality in cutthroat trout exposed to carbaryl




ABSTRACT: Willapa Bay is a coastal estuary in Washington State that provides seasonal rearing habitat for anadromous cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarki clarki. Cutthroat trout forage throughout the estuary in the summer months when carbaryl, a carbamate insecticide, is applied to oyster beds via aerial spraying and other application methods to control burrowing shrimp populations. The insecticide interferes with normal nervous system function in trout via the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme that regulates neurotransmitter-mediated signaling at synapses. In the present study, we show that the olfactory system of trout is unresponsive to carbaryl, and that trout do not avoid seawater containing the pesticide at environmentally representative concentrations. Short-term (6 h) carbaryl exposures significantly reduced acetylcholinesterase activity in both brain and muscle in a dose-dependent manner. Enzyme activity gradually recovered over 42 h following carbaryl exposure (6 h at 500 µg l–1). In tests of swimming performance, trout were unable to orient to directional flow and swim effectively at exposure concentrations ≥750 µg l–1. Finally, we determined rates of predation by lingcod Ophiodon elongatus on carbaryl-exposed and unexposed trout. Exposed animals were consumed by predators at significantly higher rates at concentrations ≥500 µg l–1. We conclude that cutthroat trout are unlikely to avoid carbaryl-contaminated seawater, and that estuarine applications are likely to cause neurobehavioral impairments in trout that may increase individual mortality due to predation.
机译:摘要:威拉帕湾(Wilapa Bay)是华盛顿州的一个沿海河口,为锐利的鳟鱼 Oncorhynchus clarki clarki 提供季节性的栖息地。夏季月份,当通过空气喷涂和其他施用方法将西维因(氨基甲酸酯)杀虫剂西维因(carbaryl)施用到牡蛎床上以控制虾虾种群时,在整个河口使用鳟鱼。该杀虫剂通过抑制乙酰胆碱酯酶(一种在突触中调节神经递质介导的信号的酶)来干扰鳟鱼的正常神经系统功能。在本研究中,我们表明鳟鱼的嗅觉系统对西维因没有反应,并且鳟鱼不能避免在环境中具有代表性的浓度含有农药的海水。短期(6小时)西维因暴露以剂量依赖的方式显着降低了大脑和肌肉中的乙酰胆碱酯酶活性。甲萘威暴露后42小时(500 µg l –1 6小时)酶活性逐渐恢复。在游泳性能测试中,鳟鱼在定向浓度≥750µg l –1 时不能定向流,不能有效地游泳。最后,我们确定了灵芝 Ophiodon elongatus 对西维因暴露和未暴露的鳟鱼的捕食率。浓度≥500µg l –1 的捕食者以高得多的速度消耗了暴露的动物。我们得出的结论是,凶猛的鳟鱼不太可能避免被西维因污染的海水,而且河口的使用很可能会导致鳟鱼的神经行为受损,这可能会增加捕食造成的死亡率。



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