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Dual-Use Research as a Wicked Problem




The challenge of dual-use research in the life sciences emerged vividly in 2011 as scientists and policy-makers debated what to do about article manuscripts that described how to modify the H5N1 avian influenza virus so that it could spread between mammals (1, 2). Since H5N1 emerged in Southeast Asia in 2003, it has sickened 667 people and caused 393 human deaths, as well as the deaths of millions of domestic and wild birds (3). The virus has not, however, demonstrated the ability to engage in sustained human-to-human transmission. If a new strain of H5N1 emerged with that capability, and it retained a high level of virulence, it could cause a global pandemic. The experiments by Yoshihiro Kawaoka from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Ron Fouchier from Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands not only demonstrated that mammalian transmission of the virus was possible but also provided information on how to construct such a virus.
机译:随着科学家和政策制定者辩论如何处理描述如何修饰H5N1禽流感病毒以使其可以在哺乳动物之间传播的文章手稿,生命科学领域的双重用途研究面临的挑战在2011年生动地出现了(1、2) 。自从2003年H5N1病毒在东南亚出现以来,它已使667人患病,造成393人死亡,以及数百万只家禽和野生鸟类的死亡(3)。但是,该病毒尚未表现出参与持续的人际传播的能力。如果出现具有这种能力的新H5N1毒株,并且仍保持高毒力,则可能导致全球大流行。威斯康星州-麦迪逊大学的Yoshihiro Kawaoka和荷兰伊拉斯姆斯医学中心的Ron Fouchier进行的实验不仅证明了该病毒的哺乳动物传播是可能的,而且还提供了有关如何构建这种病毒的信息。



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