首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution >Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) for Autopolyploids

Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) for Autopolyploids




Autopolyploids present several challenges to researchers studying population genetics, since almost all population genetics theory, and the expectations derived from this theory, has been developed for haploids and diploids. Also many statistical tools for the analysis of genetic data, such as AMOVA and genome scans, are available only for haploids and diploids. In this paper, we show how the Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) framework can be extended to include autopolyploid data, which will allow calculating several genetic summary statistics for estimating the strength of genetic differentiation among autopolyploid populations (FST, φST, or RST.). We show how this can be done by adjusting the equations for calculating the Sums of Squares, degrees of freedom and covariance components. The method can be applied to a dataset containing a single ploidy level, but also to datasets with a mixture of ploidy levels. In addition, we show how AMOVA can be used to estimate the summary statistic ρ, which was developed especially for polyploid data, but unfortunately has seen very little use. The ρ-statistic can be calculated in an AMOVA by first calculating a matrix of squared Euclidean distances for all pairs of individuals, based on the within-individual allele frequencies. The ρ-statistic is well suited for polyploid data since its expected value is independent of the ploidy level, the rate of double reduction, the frequency of polysomic inheritance, and the mating system. We tested the method using data simulated under a hierarchical island model: the results of the analyses of the simulated data closely matched the values derived from theoretical expectations. The problem of missing dosage information cannot be taken into account directly into the analysis, but can be remedied effectively by imputation of the allele frequencies. We hope that the development of AMOVA for autopolyploids will help to narrow the gap in availability of statistical tools for diploids and polyploids. We also hope that this research will increase the adoption of the ploidy-independent ρ-statistic, which has many qualities that makes it better suited for comparisons among species than the standard FST, both for diploids and for polyploids.
机译:自体多倍体对研究群体遗传学的研究人员提出了一些挑战,因为几乎所有的群体遗传学理论以及对单倍体和二倍体的期望都源于此。同样,许多用于遗传数据分析的统计工具,例如AMOVA和基因组扫描,仅适用于单倍体和二倍体。在本文中,我们展示了如何扩展分子变异分析(AMOVA)框架以包括同倍体数据,这将允许计算若干遗传总结统计数据,以估算同倍体群体之间的遗传分化强度(FST,φST或RST)。 )。我们展示了如何通过调整方程来计算平方和,自由度和协方差分量。该方法可以应用于包含单个倍性水平的数据集,也可以应用于具有多个倍性水平的数据集。此外,我们展示了如何使用AMOVA来估算摘要统计量ρ,该统计量ρ专为多倍体数据而开发,但不幸的是,它几乎没有用途。可以在AMOVA中通过首先根据个体内等位基因频率计算所有成对个体的平方欧几里德距离矩阵来计算ρ统计量。 ρ统计量非常适合多倍体数据,因为其预期值与倍性水平,双倍减少率,多体遗传的频率以及交配系统无关。我们使用了在分层岛模型下模拟的数据来测试该方法:模拟数据的分析结果与理论预期得出的值非常匹配。丢失剂量信息的问题不能直接纳入分析,而是可以通过估算等位基因频率来有效地解决。我们希望针对同倍体的AMOVA的开发将有助于缩小二倍体和多倍体统计工具的可用性差距。我们也希望这项研究将增加采用非倍性的ρ统计量,该统计量具有许多品质,使其比标准FST更适合用于种间比较,无论是二倍体还是多倍体。



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